Chapter 16

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Your author speaking/ My book this book just hit 1k and I am more then happy I'm ecstatic and extremely excited thank you all so very much for reading,voting, leaving a comment and just all around being amazing supporters I truly appreciate all of you.


Today I'm excited overwhelmed a bit but excited today I have a whole day planned with my son and I can't wait. I want to be there for my kid but I can't do that if I know nothing about him it's almost Christmas and I don't even know what to get him which is sad and a reminder that I missed 3 years of his life all because of my anger. so today is the day I learn even if it's just the little things I'll be happy because at least I know something.

I knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer and after a second They did and I came face to face with Grace.

"H-hey" I said nervously I felt weird that last time I was here we almost kissed but I chickened out and ran upstairs to the bathroom and hid there for an hour.

"Hi" she said looking me in the eyes I hate it when she makes eye contact those beautiful brown orbs I always found myself gazing into them un able to stop because I always end up lost in them. We stared into each other's eyes until I cleared my throat. "Um is he ready" I asked she quickly shook away her dazed state "I uh- Yeah he's ready Kim's just helping him put on his boots he'll be right out" she explained I nodded we then stood there in an awkward silence.

"So uh how's Maddison doing" she asked

"Oh fine she's doing we'll lazy but we'll" I said nervously chuckling she did the same once it was over it then went back silence and just as I thought I would die of awkwardness an adorable little boy appeared in my line of vision. I couldn't help but smile Grace turned around to face him he shied away when he seen me until Grace reached out her hand for him to take which he did. They both then walked up towards me and once Grace came to a stop she then Crouched down in front of him down to his level.

"Ok your going to go with Alex today and mommy won't be with you so I'll need you to be good Mr" she said pinching his nose he smiled

"Mommy loves you" she said before kissing him on the forehead and standing back up to talk to me "He um has problems with saying things sometimes so if he can't pronounce the name of something he'll point so you'll have to play the guessing game at times" she said I nodded  in understanding

"He also have a tendency to wonder off in big places he did it to me once and scared me half to death far as food goes he's allergic to peanuts and lastly you'll need this" she said handing me a yellow and navy blue diaper bag.

"He's not potty trained completely yet so there's pull ups wipes Sippy cups he won't drink out of a regular cup and a spare outfit in case of any accidents all in that bag" she explained I stood there trying to soak all that in and once I thought I did I then nodded again in understanding at her she half smiled.

"Ok let me let you guys go I'm rambling on to much" she said I could tell she was just as nervous as me.

"He'll be fine Grace I got him" I said reassuring her she nodded and I reached out my hand for Danny to take which he did after a moment of staring at it. I smiled at his Shyness and walked him out to my car. strapping him Into A car seat that was once Parker's but now is his because Parker's 8 now and doesn't need this type of car seat anymore he's to big for it. Luckily for me my mom never throws things out.

The car ride wasn't long but it wasn't short either the first place on my list of things today was to take him to sea world where they have an penguin exhibit and more. We arrived on time right before the line for tickets got long right now it's only about 6 people which I was grateful for now we don't have to wait in an ridiculously long line. I parked the car and took my seat belt off and turned to Face Danny who was in the backseat. "You ready bud" I asked he nodded his head yeah and I smiled getting out of the car to go around to the backseat door and opening it. I leaned over the car seat unbuckling the seatbelt from around it I then helped Danny out of his car seat being sure to grab his dipper bag as well I then took his hand and walked to the trunk remembering what Grace told me I was afraid he might wonder off.

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