Chapter 9

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Hayden's POV:

"Are you sure about this I don't do well with people" I said

"Yes Hayden"

"I mean if Alex found out she'd be pretty mad"

"Then let's not tell her come on all you have to do is hang out with his friend for a bit be my wingwoman" she pleaded

"Fine but if your sister ask then I had nothing to do with this"

"Deal" she said with a smile

Me and Maddison have become fast friends she's cool her personality is just so chill and sweet. She's the type of person I could see myself being friends with for a really long time.

Maddison had met some guy online and decided to meet up with him but apparently he has a friend who's also looking for a relationship or whatever I feel Kind of bad for doing this though considering that I'm gay.

We walked into the bar it looked so empty no one seemed to be here.

"Hello!! Anyone here!" Maddison yelled

"Maddison I think we should go something doesn't feel right"

Just then Maddison fell down hard with what sounded like a hit to the head I turned around only to come face to face with.

"M- Mark"

"Daddy's here now don't worry" he said with a smirk before knocking me out.

After a while I came to but tied up I looked down starting to panic wiggling trying to get out but there was no luck I was tied to something but didn't know what. The ropes was wrapped tightly around my whole body from my legs all the way up to my shoulders. I looked up to see Maddison tied up right across from me the same way I was with a trickle of blood streaming down her forehead as she started to come to again.

"Maddison!" I whisper yelled but she seemed to had been going in and out of consciousness

"Hayden?" She said weakly

"Where am i" she asked I looked around "I don't know" I Answered but when I looked back at her she was starting to fall asleep

"No No No Maddison" I called out she hummed in response

"You need to stay awake It looks like you might have a Concussion do not fall asleep" I said but it was going in on ear then out of the other

"Hey look at me talk about something anything" I yelled to her her eyes opened and she looked up

"My head hurts" she said

"I know just hang on" i said as I patted my pockets my we were tied standing up my hands was strapped to my side so I was able to feel my pockets and that's when I felt it my pocket knife it was small but our only hope I started cutting at the rope trying to free myself.

6 hours later

It's been hours and I already felt like giving up and just as I was about to do just that the ropes came falling down. as soon as I was free I ran over to Maddison slapping her face gently trying to keep her awake.

"Come on you've stayed awake for this long down give up now" I said cutting at the ropes around her as an attempt to free her but just as I was doing so a strong hand grabbed me by the back of my shirt throwing me backwards and into the wall I groaned in pain. That when I remembered my phone I patted my pockets but nothing.

"Looking for these" he said holding up two phones both mine and Maddison.

"I've texted that little bitch as you telling her to pick you and her dear sister up but when she gets here I'm going to show her what happens when you don't mind your damn Business!!!" He yelled in my face I turned my head to the side trying to avoid the beer and cigarette smell that was radiating off of him. I involuntarily twisted my face in disgust That's when he got closer.

"What you don't like this" he said before grabbing me up and pinning me to the wall "what about this" he said running a hand down my body I closed my eyes tight as he pushed a knee up in between my legs.

"You use to love this" he said kissing my neck I just stood there frozen.

"I remember when you were younger.....and We'd take baths together..... and you'd touch me like this" he said rubbing his hand up the front of my jeans. Causing me to come out of shock I tried pushing him off of me but he was too strong.

"I didn't you made me" I said tears streaming down my face.

"Oh come on daddy's little princess you loved it" he said pushing me up against the wall more harshly. I resisted still trying to push him away he then suddenly let go stepping back.

"Fine if you won't do it then I'll have my fun with the pretty little brown hired girl over there" he said pointing at Maddison

"No!! Don't" I yelled he slowly turned to look at me

"I'll go back home with you I'll do whatever you want just please leave her out of it" I said a smirk started to spread across his face

"For starters let's get you back in those ropes" he said

I let him tie me back up in hopes that he'll leave Maddison alone once he was done he then poked my nose with his pointer finger

"I'll be right back babe don't try anything or I'll make sure that girl dies" he said before leaving out.


End of chapter: short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it leave a comment with your thoughts on this situation oh and sorry for any spelling mistakes ❤️

End of chapter: short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it leave a comment with your thoughts on this situation oh and sorry for any spelling mistakes ❤️

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