Chapter 17

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Grace's POV

"Miss Miller " my assistant said in the door way of my office

"Yes Charlotte?"

"Our guest is getting annoyed Their ready to start"

"Remind them that they are just that guest, guest that I didn't invite they will have to be patient until my partner gets here" I said to her she nodded and left. Today I was called in to try and make a deal with a bunch of immature money hungry Frat boys who's being trying for the longest to buy half of my company.

"Knock knock" a familiar voice said "Come in" I replied not looking up from my laptop

"You ready to get this Started"

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute can you go make small talk with them for a second buy me a little time"

"Yeah sure but you should know me in a room full of straight guys just don't mix"  he said I chuckled

"I know Brian it's only for a second I need to send this email out"  I explained

Me and Brian are siblings as you may already know when I went to Paris to take my company I didn't only find out that we had the same dad but I also found out that some of the company is his well like some of the money because my dad signed some of it over to him in hopes that it would pin us against each other but it didn't instead it brought us closer.

"Ok I'll go wow your frat boys" he said I smiled as a thank and he nodded and left.

Once I was done with sending an email I then sent a quick message to Kim letting her know that I'll be longer then expected and that she'll have to look after Danny for me. Once I did that I then stood up fixing my suit and taking several deep breaths.

I walked Down the long halls of my building until I got to my elevator and took it to the Second floor. I waited as the elevator took me from the floor I was on all the way down to the next one. when I stepped off my Assistant immediately handed me a binder full of papers I thanked her and walked into the conference room. I looked around seeing two older guys sitting on both sides of a guy that looks to be in his 20s he was handsome very handsome his eyes were a baby blue he had jet black hair, he was very muscular and he had a perfectly trimmed beard I knew this guy from last time. across from them was Brian and two other guys young like me but also handsome neither of them I recognize. They were to busy arguing with Brain to notice me standing there.

To let my Presents known I slammed down the binder on the table causing everyone to look up at me.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting" I said

"That's expected from someone like you" the guy in the middle who I've already learned name is Aaron walker CEO of the 5 biggest company Mine being the first and the cover of play boy magazine.

"Mr.Walker" I said greeting him

"Please doll call me Aaron" he said with a wink I Mentally rolled my eye at him

"Yes Mr. walker we've met before" I informed him

"No I think I'd remember meeting someone with a body like that" he said licking his bottom lip as he leaned back in the chair.

"Cool it bro that's my sister" Brian said getting just as pissed as I was Aaron just ignored him

I tried to keep it professional I pulled out my chair that was at the head of the long table and taller then the others I crossed my legs over one another and held my hands together resting them on top of the binder "Mr. walker if you don't mind I'd like to get straight to the point of your being here I'm on a tight schedule" I said

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