Chapter 13

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Alex's POV

The next day

"Hey mom?"

"Morning sweetie you want breakfast"

"Nah I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Hayden she's upstairs in her room doing something with Maddison I have to run an errand or two" I explained

"Honey you know you don't have to ask me to keep an eye on my future granddaughter speaking of have you asked her yet" my mom asked Excitedly

"No nows not a good time she's hurt both physically and mentally I don't want to push this on her"

"Honey that poor girl have been through a lot now is a good time I'm pretty sure she could use something good in he life right now"

"What if she says no"

"Then suck it up and take it like a woman still be there for her even if it's not as her mother"

"Your right"

"Look I like Hayden when she first got here she helped around the house one morning she even helped me cook for all of you god knows you and your siblings never do that" she said I playfully rolled my eyes "she has a great personality. Parker and Maddie loves her like a sibling and she's already growing on your dad why not make her apart of the family officially" she said I smiled

"Ok mom I'll ask when I get back I promise"

"Ok dear be safe I love you"

"I love you too mom" I said back before leaving out

Today I'm heading to the hospital one to pick up Maddie and Hayden's medicine two to see about my test results and after that talk to Grace.

After about a minute drive I was at the hospital I walked inside going straight to the front desk. "Hi how can I help you" a cute nurse said flashing me a smile she looked to be the same age as me I smiled back."Hi I'm here to pick up a prescription for Maddison Andrews and Hayden Jones" I said as she typed it in on the computer "Here we are by any chance are you Alex Andrews?" She asked

"The one and only" I replied She blushed

"Your amazing I've seen you on tv my brother loves you , you think I could get your autograph" she asked

"Of course " I said with a smile taking the pin and paper she gave me to sign. I Put my name in cursive before handing it back to her she smiled and tucked it away in her pocket

"Thank you" she said gazing into my eyes

"No problem I'm uh also here about some test results as well" I said

"Oh right I'm sorry let me check them" she said before going back to the computer

"Ah yes Dr. Martin would like to speak to you personally about it as for the medication here you go" she said handing me two small bags I smiled and thanked her

"You can go have a seat over there he'll be right down" she said I nodded and walked over to take a seat.

A few seconds later a woman walked her going straight to the front desk "is he ok?"
"Yes ma'am' it just seems to be a little cold he'll get over it soon" the nurse said to the woman. I looked up I knew the voice anywhere and surely enough the woman turned around her beautiful brown eyes meeting mine. "Grace?" I called out to her she then walked over "what are you stalking me or something. She said coldly "Actually no I'm not stalking you Grace if you haven't heard Maddie and a friend of mine was in the hospital" I said to her her facial expression softened a little.

She then cleared her throat "Um i-is she ok Maddison is she alright" she asked genuinely worried I sighed "yeah she's fine I'm just here to pick up her medicine"

"Why are you here are you ok" I asked she nodded just here to pick up something she said just as the doctor came walking up to us we both turned around at the same time. "Ok it looks like Danny will be fine" he said my eyes widened and I looked at Grace.

"Excuse us for a minute" I said to the man a little pissed that she just lied straight to my face I pulled her outside of the hospital with me.

"Let me go" she said yanking back

"Are you serious right now"

"What you said it yourself you don't think he's yours"

"And he still might not be but don't you think I deserve to know when he's in the hospital"

"No you don't" she said about to walk away I sighed

"Wait" I said she stopped and turned around "I know you think that I'm denying him because I don't want kids or some bull shit like that but you have to understand that is not the reason" I said taking a deep breath.

"When I was born they told my parents that I was intersex, that And I'd never be able to get anyone pregnant with it" I said looking down at the ground

"I should have told you when we met but I was afraid that you'd leave me which was stupid because you did that anyways"

"I-" she started to say but I cut her off

"I came to get tested to see if they were wrong trust me Grace I want more then anything for Danny to be mine because then that means that I can give you a family" I said to her she smiled a little but it went away as she began to say something.

"I'm sorry I left you I just didn't want you to have to leave your whole life behind for me"

"It wasn't really much of a life without you in it you didn't do me a favor I ended up doing that anyways moving far away from my family only to be bitter and mean to everyone I met Grace I was miserable" I explained she sighed sadly

"I tried to get In touch with you when I found out but no one knew where you were and you wouldn't answer the phone for anyone"  she said I looked up at her meeting them gorgeous brown eyes that I always seemed to get lost in.

"I know and I'm sorry i should've answered but we both made mistakes, but what I do know is if Danny is mine then we'll make something work"  I said to her she nodded and walked back inside I followed.

As soon as I got back inside the doctor came up to me "Miss Andrews" he asked

"Yes that's me"

"It turns out your test results are in and you tested positive" he said I stood there in shock he smiled "Congratulations you can have kids" he said before walking away leaving me there in shock.


End of chapter:

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