Chapter 36

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Alex's POV

I was getting ready when I heard the doorbell ring *ding dong* I quickly put on my shoe and left my room but when I got to the door I had seen that Hayden had already beat me to it she stepped aside and two girls came in with Maddison.

"Hello" I said

"Hi Mrs. Andrews" the shorter girl in the front said

"Please call me Alex Mrs.Andrews is my mom anyways who do we have here" I asked

"Oh that's Isabella and this one's Casey" Hayden said introducing them to me "right Well nice to meet you girls" I said with a warm smile just then Grace came out all dressed and ready.

"You ready babe" she asked I nodded

"Just one second"

"Ok so we'll only be gone for a few hours Hayden you and Maddie know the rules Danny's in the front room watching his favorite tv show and Jacobs at the table doing his homework diapers baby wipes and other things you might need for Danny is in his room under his changing table his nap time is at-" I started to say but was cut off

"2:00 o'clock I know mom you can go we'll be fine" Hayden said I smiled

"Well ok" I said

Today me and Grace were heading to an appointment for the baby Grace needed a check up every few weeks so that's what we're doing Joseph went over his friend Jackson's house only leaving Jacob and Danny needing a babysitter and luckily for me Hayden and Maddison volunteered. I should be a little scared that they volunteered To watch them pretty quickly but Grace says that I'm overthinking but I don't think I am I know My sister and I know Hayden which means I know when they get together they're  up to something and they've brought friends so I just know somethings about to happen I could just be overthinking like Grace said but I honestly don't think so.

I waved bye to them as I helped Grace to our car I then went around and got in to the drivers seat and turned on the car pulling out of the driveway

Hayden's POV

They pulled out of the driveway and turned around before taking off I sighed a breath of relief once they were gone.

"I thought they'd never leave" Maddison said I slapped her arm "that's mean and I don't know I still think this is a bad idea" I said

"Nonsense we'll be fine come on live a little" she said just then Casey came up with one bottle of whiskey and another of tequila.

"So what's it going to be" she said me and Maddison both looked at each other the back at her.

"tequila" we both said at the same time "alright ladies truth or dare is on" she said

"Wait they'll only be gone for a few hours won't they be able to smell it on us when they get back" I asked Maddison rolled her eyes and sighed very loudly and very long.

"Hayden!" She said

"What" I asked cluelessly

"She's kind of right guys" Isabella said me and Isabella seem to be the only logical ones here Maddison and Casey are just ready to do something dumb without thinking about the consequences.

"Exactly why again did we choose to do this here?" Maddison asked Casey and Isabella both gave each other a look like they knew something we didn't then they blushed and looked down Maddison gave them a weird look and so did I.

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