Chapter 25

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Graces POV:

We walked out and all the guest turned around in their chairs to look at us. Everyone stared but not in a bad way I smiled and waved at some of them others Brian gave a warm smile as we made our way to the Minister. Once we did I let go of Brian giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to take my place behind him as I was his best man best woman whatever you want to call it I was that.

Brian shook the ministers hand before turning to face the way we just came from so that he could see Zaden walking down the same way. Seconds later Zay came out with his mom walking him down the aisle. I smiled he looked just as handsome as Brian did. He got to the Minister and did the same thing before turning to face Brian. The Minister then cleared his throat and began.

"Good afternoon" he said and everyone one said it back "I'm minster John and I would like to welcome everyone on this gorgeous day. It's because of all of you because of this strong community of friends and family who support them that this relationship has strengthened and grown and led them to this very moment. Thank you for being here, now let's begin." He said

"We are all gathered here today to witness the binding of two souls Brian Williams (Grace and Brian have the same dad but not the same mom there for giving them different last names ;) Btw)
and Zaden Smith"

"These two have found something special- Love a love so strong that it brought them all the way here with that being said we're going to let our grooms read each other their vows" he said then looked between the two unsure of who was going first that's when Brian pulled out a folded paper from his pocket and began reading.

"When I first met you, I never thought I'd be marrying you I was a different guy then I was a scared coward I ran from love instead of to it drowning myself in cheap hookups at crappy bars but then you came along new to my world and by far the finest man I've ever met you grounded me you put me back on my feet kept me from falling on my ass you didn't run when things got tuff. That's what I love most about you ,your kind ,loving ,brave, caring and more meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I vow to never leave your side just as you did for me to always take care of you and to forever love you Zaden Zachary Smith I can't wait till this is all over and I can finally call you my husband" he finished Zaden had tears in his eyes and so did everyone else. But now it was his turn

"Brian I love everything about you I love how even before I proposed you always treated my family like your own I love how you love me and you make sure you tell me every single day I love how even when we fight you still make me breakfast in the morning. I love how you kiss me and it lingers and last for a while even when you've already backed away and most of all Brian I love you. I vow to always hold your hand when we're walking down the street I vow to kill every bug you call me in our room to kill" he said causing everyone to laugh even Brian.

"I vow to always be there when you need me, to love you even when you hate me to hold you even when you say there's no need and to care for you no matter the cost because even through I've probably already said this a hundred times already I love you" he finished and now I was full on crying.

They then looked towards the Minister giving him a nodded letting him know that he can finish.

"Beautifully said both of you" the Minister said "That truly brought tears to my eyes now let's get these two Gentleman married shall we"

"Do you Brian beck Williams take Zadan Zachary Smith to be your husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer for poorer , in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do you part" he said Brian nodded before saying "I Do" the Minister then looked at Zay

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