Chapter 33

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Alex's POV

4 Days later

I was sitting on the couch with Danny in my lap he had brought a book to me and wanted me to read it to him so that's what I did the book was called five little ducks who got on a bus it was a children's book that Danny seems to love so much. just then I heard the front door open I had just assumed that it was grace but when I heard that all so familiar voice I just knew it wasn't I looked up to see that Taylor had just walked in.

"Honey I'm home" she yelled I just shook my head as she walked into the living room and plopped down on one of the couch chairs. "What are you doing here and how'd you even get in" I asked "easy with my key" she said twirling around a key on her finger.

"how did you get that" I asked in disbelief "uh I copied yours duh"

"you know what you just did is basically breaking and entering" I said she just shrugged and I rolled my eyes "anyways where's everyone I came to see my new nephews" she said "they're out with my dad and little brother clothes shopping and Hayden's with grace and Madison getting clothes as well as supplies they start school soon so we need to get them ready" I explained

"Oh ok so it's just you and little man today" she said pinching Danny's cheeks" he giggled and I smiled

"when are you going to give me a little niece or nephew I gave you 3 nephews and one niece plus there's another baby on the way" I said Taylor sighed and leaned back in the chair

"I've talked more about it with Kim and she's all in it grown to want it to now but I'm just scared" she said

"Of what" I asked

"Of being a bad mom I'm not the mom type Alex I'm the cool auntie type" she said and I gave her a half smile

"Look I don't know how many times I'll have to tell you this but you'll make an amazing mom I'm not going to push you to do something you don't want to but I am going to tell you that you need to stop being scared" I said she sighed again

"Yeah yeah I know my parents are so happy with Lilly now they keep looking towards me to give them another grand baby it's exhausting avoiding the conversation at dinner with them" she said and I chuckled

"Speaking of babies hows that little cutie" I asked

"Oh she's just adorable she's only days old yet she's still so smart" she said I smiled that's good to hear.

"Yeah Anyways I've got nothing to do today and your here being boring" she said I rolled my eyes "why don't you take Kim out or something" I asked

"Because she's out with her stupid parents who hates me" she said groaning I laughed

"What exactly did you do to them" I asked still laughing

"I honestly don't remember" she said which made me laugh even more this girl is something else.

"Well Danny's hair is getting pretty long and I was going to take him to get a haircut tomorrow but I guess we can do it today if you tag along" I said

"Yeah no pass Barber shops make me itch" she said

"Welp I have nothing else" I said she groaned once more

"I know your a very boring person" she said and I rolled my eyes again at her.

After about a while of Taylor Complaining to me about being bored she then left saying that she's going to go do something I don't really know I stopped listening because all she was doing was complaining  about her life.

Sometime went by and soon everyone was back the boys and Hayden all came in with hands full of bags and Grace and Maddison came following closely behind them.

I walked to go greet them with Danny on my hip.

"Hello welcome home" I said Grace smiled "hi love" she said giving me a quick kiss on the lips I smiled.

after they got home the rest of the day was pretty quiet Joseph has gotten petty comfortable I even seen him at least trying to create a bond with Hayden , Danny and Grace but Jacob he's really distant he tries to stay away from everyone by always being in his room.

Hayden's POV

The next day

"hey can I borrow this" Madison asked Madison stayed the night so that we could arrive to school together its her first day back after Christmas and winter break and for me it was my first day at a new school "fine just make sure you give it back" I said

"have you ever known me not to give your things back" she asked I looked at her and raised one eyebrow "yes I still haven't got my hoodies back" I said she shrugged "Meh I guess I don't well sharing is caring" she said I rolled my eyes playfully at her and smiled she then turned around to look at me. when her eyes landed on me she gasped and I gave her an confused look. "what?" I asked "oh honey your wearing that" she asked pointing at my outfit "What's wrong with this" i asked "No guys would ever look your way wearing that" she said

"Fine by me I rather them not anyways besides you know I don't care about boys"

"Ok then the attention of a pretty girl" she said with a smirk I rolled my eyes at her "ahh I see I've gotten your attention on that one" she said bumping my shoulder I walked away and grabbed my backpack I was already dressed so I was ready to go "whatever perv come on" I said she laughed and grabbed her bag as well.

We walked downstairs and everyone was already down there at the table eating breakfast mom waved us over we went to the dining room and Mom/Alex asked if we wanted something to eat. "Moring you guys want breakfast" she asked  "Nah well pick up Something on the way" Madison said "right that reminds me here" she said pulling out a black card from her pocket and handing it to me.

I looked at it wide eyed "what's this" I asked in disbelief I knew what it was I just wanted to be sure it was what I thought it was "its a credit card its hooked to me and graces shared bank account" she said "Ouu we are so going shopping after school" Maddison said excitedly"

"hold on that card is for emergency's only missy" Mom/Alex  said "right thank you both so much" I said they both smiled.

"well we should get a move on don't want to be late on our first day" I said "right but before you guys go you should know that two other people will be riding with you" she said I looked at her confused.

"joseph and Jacob will be joining the two of you since you guys are all going to the same place"

"No disrespect but no Jacob sure but jackass over there no way in hell" I said "language" grace said scolding me "right sorry" I said

"fine by me I don't want to be in the same car as you either" joseph said

"look you two are siblings now so you'll have to find a way to get along so yes you will be taking him along with you end of story" Alex said I huffed and stormed out of the front door.


End of chapter: looks like Joseph and Hayden bumping heads

Question for the day: do you have siblings?

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