Chapter 40 !!!!

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Your author speaking/   Ok guys just so you know In this chapter there's going to be a time leaps because sadly this story is coming to an end , however I will be doing a lot of flash backs to the events that took place because I don't want to leave anything unfinished.

Now with that being said on with the story I hope you enjoy!!

Graces POV

A month later;

"1,2,3 PUSH!" The doctor said and in that moment I pushed as hard as I could sweat running down my face as I squeezed Alex's hand in which she was letting me hold for the Pain.  "Ok one more push come on" the doctor said  "I can't do it" I said out of breath Alex took a towel and wiped my forehead with it before leaning down to my ear. "You can do this babe just one more push and we get to see our baby" she said running her hands through my hair.

The doctor counted to 3 and I pushed one last time I put my everything into that last pushed with the image of seeing my baby in my mind. Once I pushed that one last time not even seconds later the cry's of a baby could be heard I let out a sigh laying my head back down on the pillow I was exhausted. Alex kissed me one last time of the forehead before going over to that baby as I drifted off to sleep.

Alex's POV

I kissed Grace one last time on the forehead before going over to our baby in which the nurses were cleaning and wrapping up in a blanket once they were done one of the nurses then turned around towards me with our baby in her hands.

"Congratulations it's a boy" the nurse said putting him in my arms I smiled looking at this small little bundle of joy in my arms warped up in a white blanket he had a full head of hair in which was jet black like my fathers he hasn't opened his eyes yet so i couldn't tell the color of them but I was sure they were the same as mine.

"Congratulations it's a boy" the nurse said putting him in my arms I smiled looking at this small little bundle of joy in my arms warped up in a white blanket he had a full head of hair in which was jet black like my fathers he hasn't opened his e...

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I turned around with my new sweet little baby boy in my arms. "Look Babe you did it it's a boy" I said but when I turned around Grace was asleep I smiled and walked over to the bed with our baby still in my arms. "Thank you you did a good job love he's beautiful" I said in a whisper to her even though she couldn't hear me.

Some day later

Alex's POV

"Babe which outfit was his going home one again" I asked Grace as she was in the hospital bathroom showering.

"The one on the bed the other one was his pajamas he slept in last night" she yelled from the bathroom. "Ok" I said as I grabbed the tiny outfit from the bed and started to put its on our baby boy who we named Dylan when she woke up.

Dylan Andrews / age 1 day old newborn

Dylan Andrews / age 1 day old  newborn

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The outfit he has on

"There You go now you look even more handsome then before" I said in my baby voice
Just then I heard Grace yell from the bathroom. I grabbed Dylan and ran to the bathroom only to see Grace looking at her phone with her mouth wide open.

"What what's wrong" I asked  worriedly she flipped her phone around to show me a picture of Kim and Taylor each with a baby in their hands and a text under it saying "We've got Twins!!" "Oh my god they had the baby or babies I should say" I said Grace smiled. Taylor and Kim's baby was supposed to be due a month after Grace was due but I guess they ended up having them one month early and a day after Dylan was born.

"Oh my goodness are they both boys?!" I asked

"Nope one boy and one girl the boys name is Alexander Taylor for sure named him after you" she said which made me smile the biggest smile ever

"And what about the girl what's her name" I asked

"Amy is her first name but she has my middle name " she said with just as big of a smile as mine

"I can't wait to meet them when do they get to take them home" I asked

"She said they don't know yet because one of the babies is having a little trouble eating but she'll let me know when" Grace explained

"Oh I hope everything's ok" I said

"Me too" Grace said

"Ok you should finish getting dressed the kids are dying to meet their new little brother and I'm sure my parents are too" I said before giving Grace a quick kiss on the lips and which she returned before giving Prince who I was still holding a kiss on the forehead

After everyone was ready and Dylan was strapped into his car seat we all headed home which was a 2 hour drive by the way. We got home and I pulled into the driveway before getting out of the car and going on the other side to help Grace out of the passenger seat once she was out I then went around back to grab the diaper bag and Dylan out of the backseat who was sleeping soundly in his car seat so far he's been a really good baby no crying except for last night but that was only because he needed to be changed.

I shut the car door and began walking up to the front door of our house with Grace right by my side just as she was about to knock the door swung open not even giving her a chance to. "Mom and Mama!" Jacob yelled as him and everyone else came to greet us at the door. We went into the house and I walked straight to the living everyone following us wanting to see the baby I set the carrier down on the table before letting the handle down and unbuckling him before grabbing him out every was around me as I did so everyone but our grumpy boy Joseph who was sitting on the couch with his book reading it he would glance up once or twice you could tell he wanted to be over here with the rest of us but didn't want to act on it.

My mom was the first to hold the baby. "Oh my goodness he is so precious" she said cooing at Dylan who was still asleep

"Yes he is everyone meet baby Dylan Demario Andrews" I said every one made an awe sound as the kids went over to sit by their grandparents who were holding the baby. Time went by and everyone had an turn holding the baby everyone except Joseph of course in which I noticed so I grabbed the baby from Grace and went over to Joseph who was pretending to be focused on his book and nothing else. I stood in front of him and cleared my throat which caused him to look up from his book.

"Joseph would you hold him for a second" I asked putting Dylan in his arms before he could say no he was shocked for a moment but it was quickly replaced with awe as he held Dylan in his arms. Just then Dylan did something he hasn't done since he left the hospital.

He opened his eyes and just like I said they would be, they were a sky blue everyone gasped at the sight While Dylan looked at his older brother that's when Joseph unexpectedly started to talk to him and Dylan cracked a smile hearing his voice which also surprised everyone.

"He likes you" I said to Joseph who just smiled.


End of story;

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