The shocking truth

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(Nathan and Nick Valentine make their way back to acadia, and they find Dima in his lab)

Dima: You're back. I hope you don't mind, but I had Chase shadow you. She saw you entering and leaving the nucleus. So, what was in my memory banks? Are we closer to resolving the conflict on this island peacefully?

Nathan: I have a memory of yours about a nuclear launch key. You knew how to detonate the sub in the nucleus all along

Dima: Give me a moment. I need to remember for myself... So, I chose to forget the launch key even existed. Poor confessor Martin. Was I lying to him all that time? The submarine is rusted into the dry dock. The only target that missile is ever going to hit is the base itself. The nucleus. Where the children of atom live. We need to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands

Nathan: I already found it thanks to your memories. I'll make sure it's never used

Dima: Thank you. Was there anything else in my memories? Some way we can work towards peace?

Nathan: One of your memories was about a kill switch you installed to shut down the power to far harbor and let the fog take them in case peace wasn't an option. It's all on this holotape

(Nathan hands Dima a holotape)

Dima: Let me see... I remember. I was afraid that far harbor might turn against us. That they would see us as too different for their precious island. So I made a contingency plan. Mass murder. I hid the kill switch code because I couldn't stomach the thought of actually using it. Then I hid the memory because I couldn't even stand even knowing I made it

(Dima hangs his head in shame)

Dima: What have I done? If the children of atom were ever to get a hold of that code, then they would destroy far harbor

Nathan: I also have the code. Don't worry, Dima. Far harbor is safe

Dima: Good. Now we just need to find some way to end this conflict. Have you found anything else in my memories?

Nathan: Your memories led us to a grave site. You killed Captain Avery and replaced her with a synth so you could keep far harbor at peace with acadia

Dima: What?! That's impossible! Let me see what you found... Oh no...

(Dima then gets a look of disgust and fear on his face)

Dima: I... I did it. I killed a woman from far harbor and replaced her with a synthetic counterpart. I stripped a synth's identity from her and made her an infiltration agent. I needed to calm far harbor. A moderate voice. An example of what humanity should be. How we could co exist as equals. But I couldn't live with the memories of the blood on my hands. A human and a synth are gone because of me

Nathan: I can't say I agree with what you did, but I understand why you did it. It was for the future of your people, and for far harbor

Dima: Yes. No one leaves this world clean. Sacrifices had to be made

Nick: Sacrifices? You're talking about cold blooded murder!

Dima: I'm starting to see things more clearly. We have to keep this secret from far harbor. If they knew I had done this, they wouldn't just destroy me. They'd come after acadia. And without us, the fog condensers will fall into disrepair. Everyone will die. But I have an idea. There's still a way we can bring peace. But the fact that I've replaced a human with a synth must remain hidden

Nathan: Alright... I'll keep your secret, Dima

Nick: You can't seriously be on board with this?

Nathan: I know, this isn't exactly ideal, but if Dima dies, acadia dies. And if acadia dies, everyone dies. If we keep this secret, then we can solve this without bloodshed

(Nick Valentine really stops to think about what Nathan's saying. He takes off his hat and rubs his forehead)

Nick: I can't believe I'm saying this, but... your secret's safe with me. But you better make damn sure this doesn't happen again!

Dima: Thank you, brother. Maybe the guilt I feel will keep me focused. As horrifying as it might be to suggest, this memory you've recovered has given us a new option. If far harbor was made more tranquil by our intervention, then perhaps the same trick will work twice on the children of atom. We would replace the evil warlord high confessor Tektus with someone willing to far harbor and work towards reconciling and helping

Nathan: If it means peace for the island, and no innocents dying, then alright. Tell me the plan

Dima: This will be difficult for both of us, but it is our only option. The high confessor will be lured into a secluded location, dealt with discreetly and replaced with a synth. I knew Tektus very well, so I'll use that as the basis for this synth's personality

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