L's First Friend

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L's question seemed to fall on deaf ears. His first friend, the murderer (how paradoxical). Had a habit of becoming distant and cold whenever L would try to connect. L...admittedly, wasn't very good at 'connecting', but he would try nonetheless.

Though the two boys had formed an alliance professionally, L believed they must also form one, somewhat emotionally. He didn't expect hugging, shoulders to cry on and complete kumbaya between them (this was Light Yagami he was referring to here) but if the two were to be living in this arrangement indefinitely, they would need to get along.

It was clear Light felt the same, the younger man's lingering glances didn't look fuelled by hatred, but intrigue, at least L hoped so. His 'guesses' were always 99% correct. In L's attempts to enforce this, however, he'd undoubtedly made Light MORE uncomfortable, though the detective knew he'd never hear it from his suspect's own mouth.

The detective wasn't often confused, he'd never cared enough about interpersonal connections to allow himself to be confused by another person's behaviour towards him before...but Light Yagami...he made L 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 confused.

L thought the best tactic to get closer to the boy was to challenge him, many a time Light had shown to thrive from these interactions as he enjoyed the mental stimulus. As of late however, he could tell in some instances it would grate on the boy, which lead the detective to believe there were more complexities to Light Yagami that met the eye. There were certain topics that fuelled his ambitious nature and curiosity, but others where he would become extremely defensive. Of course, L was understanding that he was also working, at the same time, to convict Light of killing an inconceivable number of people. Not to mention, despite Light often acting older than his age of eighteen, he was still, in fact, eighteen. L was aware of the complexities of youth, being close to Light in age. He was certain that the Kira investigation must be taking 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 sort of toll on Light? Or was he underestimating him? Light would surely hate this, unless he saw it as a challenge to do better than L's expectations.

L was slightly bewildered, and it was making him somewhat depressed. The situation was...unusual, to say the least. But if the boy's walls would come down, perhaps L would be able to penetrate his mind with less difficulty. L was good at reading people, he knew Light, because he knew himself, and they were more similar than Light would like to admit sometimes. It would take practice to get it right, because Light wasn't like most people, but this was only their first day together, in this proximity, progress would be steady, and if by the slim chance that he was not the Kira L supposed him to be, L wanted Light in his life. Thinking about all the cases they could solve as a team was preferable to being alone - Light was gifted, so he was an exception to the majority of the human population (L couldn't stand the bulk of the human race, though he accepted their importance he supposed) why would the detective bother otherwise? L lives to serve as justice for humanity.

The potential for a bond was there, the two boys had already admitted the other was about the only person they could tolerate.
Light was L's first friend, how was he going to fix this?

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