How Do We Meet?

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Light walked down a high street with a satchel. It was the middle of August, summer holiday. The boy's mother had finally forced him out the door to socialise with actual words, rather than those printed on the page of a school workbook. He'd reluctantly agreed to such a hindrance, everything else was boring, no school meant nothing to do, studying was simply a past time. Better than sitting there twiddling his thumbs in tedium. Studying was an activity that filled the gap between waking up and going to bed, since there was nothing at 𝒂𝒍𝒍 else to occupy the boy's restless mind, so Light may as well. It would all contribute to him succeeding at university anyways, unstimulating but useful. His mother wanted him to 'hang out' with his 'friends'. Light did indeed have many '𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔' and they were all terrible. A group of boisterous, bestial, immature boys. They were popular, and only talked about sport and girls, conversations the young man would engage in out of necessity to belong. It was rather pathetic, but to be an outcast was even more so.

"Come on Yagami!! When are you gonna get a 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅??"

..They'd whinge at him constantly. It was extremely irritating, the boy would just exclaim he was too focused on his studies, their reply being a vulgar inquiry as to whether Light would be so generous as to lend them one of the girls from his army of love interests. So, the young man chose the company of books, which he packed in a bag to revise away from his home. Light would just tell his parents he was out with friends, they'd be none the wiser. But where would he go? The boy didn't want to be spotted by anyone he knew, to go to a busy location was out of the question or he'd be recognised.
Light scoured the streets for a while, perusing for a suitable location where he could effectively get his work done with a minimal amount of disturbance. What about this coffee shop? The young man came across a quaint little establishment, set up in a quieter area of town.

Inside there were seats in booths, the backs of the chairs were tall, meaning Light could keep his head down and avoid the glance of curious onlookers. Neatly arranging the amalgamation of books, practice exam papers and notes across the table in front of him, ordering a black coffee just because - he began to work. The waitress tried to flirt with him sometimes, but there was only one of them thank goodness.

"Excuse me...I hope you don't think this is out of turn but...could I maybe get your number?"

The girl turned bright red, mumbling shyly into a shaking hand as she bashfully gripped a phone behind her back. Light plastered on a charming smirk, one perfectly concocted with enough gratitude and debonair to elicit skipping heartbeats in the poor girl's chest. It was all a facade however. A convincingly loveable facade.

"Well aren't you the sweetest? I was actually about to ask the same question"

The boy crossed his right leg over his left, outstretching an arm to elegantly lean on the chair's edge; commanding the space entirely with confidence. She stumbled over every attempted word, unsure how to react to her crush's blatant reciprocation.

"I don't like that you felt the need to approach me first. I wholly apologise, don't think less of me for stalling. You're just...very beautiful"

Light's eyes glinted with alluring appeal, slowly enunciating the compliment .

"I was admittedly a bit...nervous"

The skin of the girl's cheeks deepened as she grew more flustered by the second. No doubt thinking she'd somehow landed the score of her life, it was her lucky day.

"I-it's okay, I was nervous too"

Her flushed demeanour would've been perceived cute by any man, she was subjectively pretty. But Light wasn't interested, it was amusing how the forwardness of someone less good looking than himself would probably trigger a horrified reaction.

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