Bodily Functions

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Light and L undressed for their shower. The click of the handcuff paired with the soft stroke of L's fingertips along Light's forearm caused the boy to tense.

" can take off your shirt now Light-kun"

Light proceeded to remove his fitted turtleneck sweater the rest of the way, so he stood completely stark naked in front of the older man - who's eyes enjoyed following every groove and pore of Light's exposed skin.

"You too Ryuzaki"

Light decided to snap L out of his trance before he became overwhelmed by the detective's analysis.

"Oh. Right. Of course Light-kun"

L proceeded to remove the clothing that hung loose over his body. The shirt was so baggy and unflattering to L's torso that it was like a dress. It only added to his mystery...the fact you didn't know what he looked like under there. It was very elusive, and different. Different to how Light would choose attire that complimented his figure, L didn't care for that stuff. Who else but Light knew what L looked like underneath cotton and denim? 𝑾𝒂𝒔 there anyone else? Light felt his gaze wondering as L's had done - perhaps he shouldn't be so critical of this, it 𝒘𝒂𝒔 hard to look away sometimes. But they'd done this so much over the past few weeks...why now? The duo stepped into the fancy shower, standing beneath their respective flows of water. Light began to wash his body thoroughly, moving his palms over every inch of his perfectly maintained skin. Soap suds trickled down his frame as they were washed away by the rain of warmth from the shower head. L's eyes accompanied them on their journey to Light's feet, then the drain. Water cascaded down Light exquisitely, moulding to him, following his body's various contours and outlines. L's eyes particularly enjoyed participating with the trickle as it moved down Light's upper thighs, along with the line of drizzle that found the groove behind the boy's knee, and streamed down calf muscle.

"I must admit...I'm a little jealous..."

Their eyes met as L completed his exploration of the expanse of radiance that coated Light's bones beautifully. Light fashioned his features into a playful smirk. L hadn't been wrong...he 𝒘𝒂𝒔 the honest type.

"Oh yeah? What of?"

Light teased somewhat flirtatiously. L moved closer. So close that he abandoned his own allocated shower spot and stood under Light's instead. Light just stared into the detective's eyes in surprise. They were so 𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒚 close that Light could see the droplets fall from L's dark, pretty eyelashes through his mass of drenched black locks. Light dropped his sponge in a startled reaction to the detective's sudden intrusion of space.

"Of the water..."

L moved his hand so it was but a millimetre from Light's left pectoral. It hovered there, 𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 touching but not. L found a drop of water that shaped around Light's chest, and decided to trail it with a finger as he spoke.

"Of the water, that gets to touch you..."

Something overcame Light in that moment, he grabbed L's hovering hand that had now followed the wet trail to the younger man's hip; interlocking it with his own, he nuzzled his face into the skin. He must've looked very strange, but to breathe the sweetness of L's scent in that instant became an instinctive reaction. Light caressed their connected fingers along the side of his face.

"You can touch me...if you want to"

Light would never say that, why did Light say that? Was this a dream? How embarrassing. He could tell L was having trouble comprehending what was going on, the detective's eyes seemed uncharacteristically alive with amazement. It was...cute. L released his secure grip on the Yagami boy, to place it behind his neck instead. Light was pulled horrifically amazingly toward the detective some more. The downpour of warmth now shielded by two heads, the empty space now filled up with hot, hurried breathing. Their faces inched closer still. Closer. Closer. 𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒓. Light willed every thought to pull away from anxiety, to the back of his head. He predicted his brain might combust at the taunting graze of soft pale lips against his own. Was L waiting for Light to make the move? Light would never, Light wouldn't 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒆. L's eyes were so much bigger from this distance, the dense black pools all the more entrancing. The darkness overcame Light's thoughts like the vision obstructing night, shrouding everything in mystery; uncertainty. The persuasive act of hypnosis charmed Light into a hazy spell, one only broken by the panic of L's lips colliding with his. Who else had L kissed to be so excellent? Light enjoyed the freedom his mouth and hands had to roam without catering to the height difference of Misa's smaller frame. The two men were the same when L would stand completely straight and flushed against Light's body. No choice but to correct his posture when the younger man clung to his back to desperately pull their bones together. Hands grabbing at skin, teeth pulling at lips, hips colliding with hips, fingers tangling hair. It was 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, almost like a dream that triggered Light's brain to release a satisfying cocktail of chemicals that ignited all his pleasure centres until they melted on the tiles below him. Euphoria, as the man suddenly felt L's dexterous fingers curl over a region he didn't expect.

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