chapter 3

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Kanna's outfit and hair style

Kanna's outfit and hair style

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(Next morning)

"Sakura-neesan! Can I come?" Kanna asked at her sister

"Sorry Kanna, maybe next time" Sakura said while petting the pouting Kanna

'Ack! Soo cute! must resist it!' Sakura thought "See you later Kanna!" Sakura said and immediately bolted out of the door so she won't change her mind because of Kanna's cuteness

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'Ack! Soo cute! must resist it!' Sakura thought "See you later Kanna!" Sakura said and immediately bolted out of the door so she won't change her mind because of Kanna's cuteness.

"Kanna, you can go out if you want" Kanna's mother said

"Really!?" Kanna exclaimed, her mother chuckled at her child's reaction.

"Hai, just be back before night" She said

"Arigato! Okaasan!" Kanna said and kissed her mother's cheeks and went out of the house (more like running)

She then went to her training place, when she arrived she started training,  an hour later she heard footsteps coming towards her.

Kanna knows who it is but the other isn't, she then stopped what she's doing and turned to where Shisui is.

"Shisui-kun!" Kanna waved cheerfully at the boy, the said boy the run towards her and hugged her like a teddy bear.

"Kanny-chan! My cute little mochi girl!" Shisui said and continue hugging Blossom

"Shisui, put her down, can't you see she's turning blue"

"Oh, sorry" Shisui said and put Kanna down to the ground.

After Kanna regained her breathing, she observe the other boy that also had a Uchiha crest

"Shisui-kun who is he? I recognize his face but I couldn't remember his name" Kanna said and looked at Shisui

"That, my dear Kanny-chan is Itachi Uchiha and his here to help me train you because I can see that you have a lot of potential" Shisui said

"Um... nice to meet you Itachi-san, I'm Kanna haruno and I'm two years old" Kanna said as if she's shy

(Year later)

From that day Itachi and Shisui trained Kanna and surprisingly, she learned fast for her age, Kanna even showed them that she had the sharingan and Byakugan.

When they saw this they were surprise that she has the sharingan and Byakugan even though she is not an Uchiha and a Hyuga, so they trained her how to use the sharingan.

They explained to her what the Byakugan can do and Kanna immediately understand it because Shinobu made her study medical stuff including how she can paralyze someone so she can help them take care of the injured demon slayers.


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