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~At Konoha~

When the team 7 heard the news about Kanna leaving the village, they were furious most especially Sakura.

"Are you sh*tt*ng me?! Those elders couldn't do that! They didn't even have evidence of what they had accused my little sister!" Sakura exclaimed in anger, all of them tried to keep this a secret but Kakashi couldn't bare the hurt or betrayal look his students will give to him.

He knows how it felt to lose someone who is dear to you, that's why he had told his team.

"Sakura *sigh* I know it might be hard but I tried my best to help her at some point though, Kanna was the one who insists to leave since she doesn't want any madness that will leak here in Konoha." Tsunade explained, she too felt guilty as to what is happening to her student.

"But baa-chan! What if Kanna-chan would be in great danger?!" Naruto retort, he got close to Kanna as he knows that Kanna was a great friend if a person get to know her.

Kakashi put a hand in both Naruto and Sakura's shoulder. "You both... We couldn't do anything now, besides, Hayate was with Kanna I'm sure she would be fine." Kakashi assured the two.

But Sakura was horrified, her sister was with a male older than her... She looked at Kakashi and put a hand on his shoulder, Kakashi sweated as he felt his student's scary aura.

"What. Did. You. Say. Just. Now?" Sakura threaten, Kakashi looked at Tsunade for help, only to see an amuse face of hers.

Let's just say, Kakashi's girly scream was heard around the village.



"Yeah?" Kanna replied, as the familiar voice continued.

'You had chosen a new path, you have so much responsibilities in your hands, you haven't used the full power that is sleeping within you... It's up to you whether you continue your journey or you stop and restart a new.~'

"I won't go back in my words... I'm here for a reason and that reason is to save those who needed my help. I won't let them down... This power in me would be useless as it is my blessing, and I want to use it for good and not for my own selfishness even through hardships, I won't give up." Kanna replied with confidence.

Leadership is in her voice and tone, she are up for it. That's why her friends chose her, because they know that with the leadership in her hands, she would took it seriously and be the best leader that one could wish for.

It took them a year to build the village they wanted, the village was beautiful, it is more unique that one would describe. Because of all the help from everyone and each of their ability is really a great help for it to be finished in just a year.

The village is more into nature, as it was rich with elements, though the village was hidden because they don't want any chaos destroying their village.

While Kanna who is now officially a leader of the village, which they had named as Hanagakure, was having a vision (a dream that the old man had given her an access) that would happen in the mere future.

'More deaths to come, I'll prevent it as much as I can.' Kanna swore, as she thought of a plan, if she couldn't save them in time, then she had to go to plan B.


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