chapter 11

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Third POV

Kakashi took Naruto, Sasuke, especially Sakura outside to train and Kanna had never been felt so lonely before, ever since she got reborn in the shinobi world, she felt like she could finally got the family she all wanted for a long time, a parents, and a sweet sister even though Sakura is a fan girl of Sasuke.

But ever since her parents died and awakened the blood of 'MuZaN' aka the evil doppelganger Michael Jackson, she's starting to felt lonely.

Kanna can't go outside in the morning since she will be burnt by the sunlight, so she's mostly be in her dark room all alone since Sakura had to go to the academy, Shisui and Itachi can't be with her all the time either since they will still have to go to their missions.

She can only go out when it was night time, she couldn't play with the other kids because all of the villagers are asleep already, sometimes, Shisui and Itachi will accompany her, and sometimes the three of them will partnered up for a mission since the hokage knows that only Shisui, Itachi, and Sakura are the people she could trust after her parents died.

And now, she was left in the room that Sakura and her shared, it doesn't have any lights, nor the windows was opened since she'll be burnt to death if the windows was opened, cuz it's already morning.

'I missed them, Kanao-chan, Tanji-kun, Zen-kun, 'suke-kun, Yu-kun, minna'

Kanna was only sitting on the wooden floor cutely, waiting for her dear sister to arrive while looking at the door.

But after a few minutes later, there's still no sign of them returning, so her being bored out of her mind, she sigh and stood up, she walked towards the wooden box and sat on it.

'I wonder how did Nezuko managed to conquer the sun...' Kanna thought, the more she wonders about it, the more sleepy she became.

'Might as well take a quick nap' she jumped down from the box and grab a futon, she then lay on it and took a nice nap.

Kanna didn't manage to notice that Tsunami checked on her, and smiled when she saw Kanna fast asleep. After Tsunami checked on her, she closed the door and left.

Kanna's POV


I heard a familiar voice called me.


I started to stir up and finally opened my eyes, I saw in front of me was Hagoromo making me blink.

"Hagoromo-san!" I exclaimed as she then noticed that I doesn't have any muzzle on my mouth anymore, making me panic.

Hagoromo-san chuckled "don't worry about your muzzle, you can't hurt anyone here." He said making my mouth form an 'o' shape.

"Anyways, I'm just gonna inform you that, your mission here is to save Zabuza and Haku from their deaths and bring them back to Konoha." Hagoromo-san informed me, I blink as three dots could be seen above my head.

"Who's Zabuza and Haku?" I asked in confusion, Hagoromo-san only laughed in amusement making me huff.

"Zabuza is the guy who had been carrying Kubikiribocho, and the Haku boy is the one who had a mask and had a girly face that he could easily mistaken as a girl."  Hagoromo-san replied as the information finally clicked.

"Oh! You mean Momo-chi!" I exclaimed, Hagoromo-san deadpan at the nickname I give but I only grinned.

"Anyways, good luck saving them, Kanna Kocho, I'm counting on you to save the Shinobi world. And by the way, the time here is much different from the real world, goodluck again." He said and vanished into nothing.

Third POV

Kanna woke up, as she rub her eyes, but then she noticed how quiet the house is, and by the look of it, it's already night time but she couldn't hear a single heartbeat in the house.

She run out of the room and start to smell the air as she caught the scent of Tsunami and Inari not far from her.

Kanna kicked the door, causing it to break, she saw the situation of Tsunami so Kanna got worried.

"Hmph! Hmph!" She exclaimed and got closer to Tsunami, much to Tsunami's surprise.

"Kanna?! What are you doing outside?! It's too dangerous!" Tsunami scold Kanna, Kanna frown and shook her head.

"Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!" Kanna stump her foot like a child (she's still in her child form btw). Tsunami sighed, she couldn't understand Kanna that well, but she guessed that she was saying that she can already take care of herself.

Kanna started using medical Ninjutsu to Tsunami surprising Tsunami, but Kanna was just making sure if Tsunami had any deep wounds, but when she didn't, she pat Tsunami's head.

After a couple of minutes, Kanna smelled some fresh blood, causing her to start to drool, but she took this as an advantage to follow the scent.

"W-WAIT- KANNA! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" Tsunami yelled but the said girl is already out of sight.

Meanwhile, Kanna run in a fast pace and when she arrived she saw that she was too late, Zabuza and Haku is already dead...

It was snowing and the villagers was about to lift the bodies, but they stopped when they heard something that fell which is, Kanna's muzzle.

"K-kanna?!?! What are you doing outside?!" Sakura asked in shock as she was afraid that something will happen to her younger sister.

Kanna was focused on the bodies, she managed to stop the drool. Kakashi, noticed Kanna's gaze is at the limp figures of Haku and Zabuza.

"Their dead Kanna..." But Kakashi's voice held sorrow in it and Kanna can hear it very clearly.

"I... " Kanna was about to say something but shook her head and run towards the corpse of Zabuza and Haku.

"Kanna?!" Sakura exclaimed in surprise when her dear sister Kneeled down.

Kanna can still hear a faint heartbeat from the two, but Haku's heartbeat is more faint than Zabuza's.

'I can still save them!' Kanna thought in happiness, she look at Kakashi, who had a pained eye from seeing that he killed someone again by the use of his chidori.

Kanna, don't want to make them sad, so she cut her palms with the use of her sharp nails and made the blood drip at Zabuza and Haku's bodies.

"Kanna! Are you insane?! Your injuring yourself!" Kakashi panic, but Sakura knows what her lil sis are doing so she keep quiet and watch.

"Exploding blood"

Kanna said as, the blood that is on Zabuza's and Haku's bodies lit up in flames, and little by little, Kanna can finally hear the steady heartbeat of the two.

As their wounds got healed in a fast rate, Kakashi and the others watched in awe, but Kakashi is still suspicious of Kanna.

When the flames died down, all of the deadly wounds already got healed as if there's nothing happened just a while ago.


≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

I finally got a motivation to write a new chapter in this book! Ε-(´・`)フ

Thank you for all of your support by the way dear readers! 😊😊❤️

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