chapter 6

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Kanna opened her eyes and find herself staring at the white ceiling, she looked at her side and found two Uchihas on a chair asleep beside her.

Kanna raised her hand and pat Shisui's head gently, which made him woke up and immediately brighten up when he saw that she woke up.

"Kanny-chan!" Shisui shouted and immediately hugged Kanna, which resulted for the other Uchiha to wake up and joined the hug.

"Your awake, thank goodness. You were asleep for two years, we we're so worried you won't wake up again." Itachi explained as they let go of the hug.

"Don't be so reckless like that again Kanny-chan! You almost give me a heart attack when you didn't wake up!" Shisui flickered her forehead, as she touched it cutely

"Don't be so reckless like that again Kanny-chan! You almost give me a heart attack when you didn't wake up!" Shisui flickered her forehead, as she touched it cutely

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Kanna nodded but then she remembered what happened, so looked down and gripped her hospital blanket.

' way! I thought when I died muzan's blood will not be flowing in my body anymore. I also almost devoured Shisui-kun.' Blossom thought, she then snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her head.

Kanna looked up and found Shisui smiling at her "don't worry about it Kanna, it's not your fault." He said to her as if he can read her mind.

"What.... hap....pened....I.... sleep?" Kanna asked the two Uchiha looked at each other.

"The Uchiha clan was wiped out by someone, I couldn't see their face because I was fighting some Roots, I only saw is a red cloud on the cloak the they were wearing." Itachi said and looked down in shame but then looked up when Kanna patted his head.

"Don't.... worry.... makes....mis....take." Kanna smiled, they then looked at the source of the laughter and found Shisui clutching his stomach.

"Ahahaha! Itachi is being comforted by a kid! Hahahaha!" Shisui laughed as Itachi looked away with a pink blush tinted on his cheeks.

"What....'bout....dan....zo?" Kanna asked as the laughter died down.

"He got away with the help from his two personal root members."

The door opened revealing the Hokage.

"How are you feeling Kanna?" The Hokage asked

"G-good... though... can' sunlight." Kanna answered.

"What do you mean Kanny-chan?" Shisui asked

Kanna hopped down the bed and opened the curtain a little and put her hand in the sunlight but the retreated it when her skin burned.

She turned and looked towards the Hokage and the two Uchihas and found them stared at her in surprise.

"What can we do so you won't get burn Kanna?" The Hokage asked her after their shocked state.

"Need...." Kanna said as she mentioned the size of the box. "Also.....need.... muzzle." She added

"What do you need the muzzle for?"

Kanna just shaked her head as the Hokage sighed "very well, don't worry I will get what you need, but Kanna I have a bad news for you, Sakura already know this so you are the only one left. You're parents died by some ninjas that had ambushed them." The hokage said

Kanna's eyes widened and tears started to fall down from her eyes.

'Thank you for being kind and nice to me okaasan, otousan, I really appreciated it.'


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