chapter 10

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Third POV

After the battle, team 7 and Kanna was in a room that Tazuna offered for them.

Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and Tazuna look at (Y/n) who was in her adorable little form with a new haori and her muzzle back on waving at them.

"Sakura, who is this, you seem to know her?" Kakashi asked

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"Sakura, who is this, you seem to know her?" Kakashi asked.

"This is my little sister, Kanna, she is already a Kunoichi and she's also the student of Itachi and Shisui." Sakura introduced, the mention of the two Uchichas perked Kakashi and Sasuke's interest.

They look at Kanna who look at Sasuke make him tch'ed 'great another fangirl.' He thought but that's not really the reason.

The reason Kanna was looking at him was because of his unique duckbutt hairstyle.

Kanna's POV

I look at the emo kid which I think is Itachi-san's little brother. 'His hair is so unique, I wonder how did he style it? I wonder if he hide under water and let his hair float on the surface, will the enemy will notice him?' I thought.

I look at the silver haired male that I think is their Sensei and blinked. 'Is he the one that Shisui and Itachi was telling me about? I can feel the sharingan from his other eye. Though, his hairstyle was also unique, it kind of look like a paintbrush.'

I look at the yellow haired male. 'I can feel the nine tailed beast inside him, I think it's Kurama, I remember Hagoromo told me their names. His hair is also unique, but it kind of look like a banana. Seriously, how can they stick their hairs up?'

Kakashi's POV

I was observing this little girl's every move, I think she's also observing us because her eyes is looking at each of us. Even though she's the sister of Sakura, I couldn't trust her yet, maybe because of the fight that happened not a long time ago.

I noticed her frown, she moved her arms making me on high alert but the next thing surprised me. She was trying to stick her hair up.

"Sensei, what is she doing?" Naruto asked. "I have no clue Naruto." I replied as I continue to watch.

Third POV

"Kanna, what are you doing?" Sakura questioned her little sister. Kanna pouted.

"Hmph! Mm! Hmph!" Kanna pointed at the three's hair and hers, Sakura looked dumbfounded.

Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter laughed, completely understanding what Kanna meant.

"Why are you laughing Tsunami?" Tazuna asked. "It's just that, I think I know what she meant." Tsunami giggled. "And I think she wants her hair sticking up like theirs are." Tsunami explained.

Kanna look at Tsunami and run towards her and hugged Tsunami. 'Another girl! Yay!' Thought Kanna.

"Oh no! Kanna! That's rude! Let her go!" Sakura scolded her, making Kanna hmm in sadness.

Tsunami pat her head making Kanna lean in delight. "Don't worry Sakura, it's completely fine. She's so adorable too!" Tsunami said making Kanna brighten up.

Sorry for the short chapter again dear readers, I made this because I felt guilty for not updating so long.😭 I still need some ideas and more time, so please bare with me. 😭🙏🙏💓

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