chapter 16

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Kanna's POV

I teleported away from Hayate's house after making sure no one is around. 'I hope he read my notes! ^^' I thought, I then stopped and realized that I was not in the destination that I wanted.

'EHH?!' I exclaimed in my head. "HMPH! HMPH!" comical tears flow down from my eyes.

I was in some kind of forest that I was not familiar with... though, thanks to how thick the forest is, I can walk freely without having a problem of the sunlight.

I looked around and made sure that no one was there, so I sighed in relief when I didn't saw and felt any. 'Maybe... I could train here.' I smile under my muzzle.

'Surely, Sakura-nee won't mind...' I thought as I'm clearly not sure if she wouldn't cause a ruckus when she found out I hadn't come home yet.

I grow in size, the size that I was supposed to be in the first place, as I untied the muzzle from my mouth.

"Hm~ The... fresh air... feels so... good." I stated, my pronunciation is much better than my toddler one, though, the fangs is still a hassle for me.

"Now... It's time... For trai... ning~" I sang as I summoned my nichiirin blade and started doing my breathing forms.

Breath in... Breath out... Not too slow... Not too fast...

Sakura breathing: First form; Upon the falling petals

I jumped and spin in the air until I reached the ground, while doing it, I positioned my blade like a spinner blade would, as I landed, the damaged that cause from my attack is much more than I had expected.

"Oh my..." I muttered, as I was stunned at what the beautiful forest had become, the tall trees that it was used to be standing is now sliced in half. I immediately jumped into the shade when I was starting to feel like been grilled alive.

I shuddered at the thought of being grilled. "It... Was much more... Power... Full than... The last... I had used... It..." I stated while inspecting the damage.

Third POV

After Kanna finished training, she tried to go back to Konoha, but the problem is that, someone or something is blocking her connection to do so.

So Kanna had to wait until night time to go to her journey back to the village. While waiting, Kanna didn't notice that she had fallen asleep, not until she had heard familiar voices but she can't grasp as to who it was.

*yawn* She rubbed her eyes, as it then immediately widened when the voices got closer.

Without a second thought, Kanna hid behind the tree even though she knows that she can beat many enemies if she liked to, though, if it weren't for her rule about not going to attack before not knowing the capabilities of the opponents.

"OH~ COME ON!~ THIS IS THE PLACE THAT HE TOLD US ABOUT!~" A whiny voice entered Kanna's ears.

"Seems so, though, I wonder what happened to this place..." A mature one followed, Kanna's ears perk up at this, making her look at who they are, and since her eyesight is much more clear in the dark because of her demon genes that is in her gains, making her having more advantages to attack.

Though, it seems that it wouldn't come to that since the people was so happen to be Itachi and Shisui.

"Tachi! Shisui!" She exclaimed as she hugged the two boys....

The two however didn't recognized the girl...


I wonder what would happen 🤔💭

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