chapter 15

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Third POV

Kanna used her scent sensing to locate Hayate's house, and when she had arrived, she only teleported inside because she doesn't have a key. And Hayate was already unconscious.

She dropped Hayate on his bed and started looking for the medical kit. When she managed to find it, Kanna used her blood demon art again to heal Hayate,

Kanna managed to heal him, including his coughing problems which Kanna was thankful for. While Hayate was unconscious because of the blood loss and chakra exhaustion.

Kanna walked in the kitchen to cook encase Hayate will wake up, she cooked some sushi and onigiri as she also made some tea and brought it towards the table besides Hayate's bed.

Kanna was waiting for Hayate to wake up, but her sleepiness couldn't take it anymore as she eventually fell asleep on the floor in her toddler size.

The next morning, Hayate woke up and slightly feel a little better except for some dizziness because of his blood loss, but to his surprise also, he was in his room.

"Last I checked, I wasn't here, I was facing Baki." He mumbled and faced the side of his bed noticing the food, by just looking at the yummy food, his stomach couldn't help but to growl in hunger.

Without a second thought, he immediately grabbed the food and started eating it, after finishing it, the clatter of the plate make Kanna twitch as she then later woke up.

Kanna rubbed her eyes and it then lit up as she saw Hayate was now wide awake. "Hmph! Hmph!" She exclaimed making Hayate look at her in shock as she did the 'Hip hip hooray' actions, her adorableness and carefree attitude makes Hayate feel at ease.

"Do you- *cough!* *cough!*"

Kanna's eyes widened and run out and then later came back with a glass of water in her teenage size.

Hayate gladly took it as he chucked it down like there is no tomorrow. "Thank you" Kanna give him a closed eyes smile. "Hmph~"

Kanna bowed and give him a paper, and she then disappeared with a trail of sakura petals.

I'm starting to lose motivation 👺😭🤧

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