Chapter 17

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Third POV

Kanna froze, she didn't expect them to not recognize her. Shock was an understatement, Kanna was terribly mortified.

"W-what... Do you... Mean?" Asked a teary eyed Kanna to the both of the Uchihas.

The two boys looked at each other. "We're sorry... But we don't know who you are..." Shisui sadly replied, Kanna couldn't take it anymore as she bursted into tears and run away.

Though, Itachi and Shisui's eyes widened when she shrunk into a toddler size. "WAIT- Shisui! That's Kanna! After her!" The two run after Kanna who's pace is far from them as they couldn't catch up.

Itachi's POV

'Kanna... We're sorry.' It's been a whole lot one year that Kanna suddenly disappeared, and a lot happened after that like, Hayate reported what happened to him, Sasuke having a curse mark, and Lord third's sudden death. Tsunade, Lord First granddaughter also became the homage after that, and Sasuke left the village for power.

Though after Kanna's disappearance that time, Sakura blamed herself for not taking the responsibility as a older sibling carefully.

It pained me to see her in that state, because I have known the feeling for losing someone important.

So, to make her feel better, I visited her and told her about becoming a disciple of Lady Tsunade. I know it was so sudden but it's for her sake, she can't just stay in her house and be depressed and blaming herself for Kanna's disappearance.

Shisui's POV

Why haven't we noticed that it was Kanna, she was technically in front of us! Dammit! I need- No! We need to prove to the elders that she didn't became rogue!

Seriously! What were the elders thinking?! A child like her shouldn't be able to destroy the village! Much more than that when it was technically her home and her family and her parents memories are buried in that same village!

Damn you elders! I think it's because of you all is the real reason as to why the village shinobis became rogue, because the evil first start at the good.

It's because of the people who treat them as to why they become bad! Why can't they get that simple thing! And Lord third also didn't cut Danzo's authority in the village elders when he isn't even an elder.

I gritted my teeth in anger. 'Come on Kanna, where are you?! We need to get you back to prove that you are innocent!' I thought as I looked everywhere with my Sharingan activated, the same goes for Itachi but luck is not in our side.

I sighed sadly. "Should we report this to Lady hokage?" Itachi nodded. "Yes, we need to, she is aware of Kanna's good did, and also want to prove it to the elders." Itachi stated, even Itachi, I could feel the growing hatred of him towards the elders.

"Let's go."

Third POV

Shisui and Itachi disappeared and Kanna came out of her hiding spot. 'I think it's better if I should not come back at the village just yet.' She looked down at her feet as she bit her lip.

'Something tells me to travel somewhere, but I don't know where is the destination...' She looked at the path towards suna but not many trees are there.

Kanna looked at her hands and open closed it. 'How did Nezuko managed to conquer the sun?' She mentally asked, hoping that someone will answer her question.

'I should probably travel at night for safe precautions.' She thought as she sat on a tree branch and waited for the day to turn night.

Short chapter, lol- XD

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