1- Prologue

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The strong Autumn breeze caused Espresso to shiver. The tall trees around him were all lit up by the decorated lamposts all lined up across the sidewalk. The trees' colors consisted of beautiful tints of bright reds, oranges, and yellows. The sky was covered with a magnificent red sunset, fireworks blowing up all around it. Espresso admired this view, it was one of the most peaceful settings he'd experienced in a while.

He looked around. That's when he spotted the light magic user as he turned to look at the large crowd that was surrounding him with praise. He stood out from everyone else. His blue cape graciously moved in the wind. Espresso stared.

Stupid light magic users.. He's probably never even attempted to battle any of the strongest monsters. Like the Tainted Forest Druid, He thought. That's when he noticed Madeleine staring back at him.

Espresso decided to move to a different area and he sat on a bench instead to enjoy the rest of the firework show without disruptions, not wanting anything to do with that stupid knight.

A few minutes later, Espresso was writing important things in his journal to use for work before he heard leaves crunching and twigs breaking behind him. He prayed that he wouldn't be bothered. Madeleine quickly and quietly snuck a spot next to him on the wooden bench. Espresso felt another presence right next to him but was too shy to turn. He would be embarrassed if the other didn't have the intention to speak with him. Madeleine abruptly tapped on Espresso's shoulder, spooking him a little.

"Hey.. Espresso?" The other asked.
Espresso recognized that voice as Madeleine's. He sighed and crossed his arms.

"What is it?" he replied, trying his best not to use a rude tone of voice. He turned to face Madeleine's direction.

"I'm just wondering why you're sitting here alone in the cold." Madeleine murmured. He gave Espresso an awkward smile. His face turned a different shade, showing his embarrassment. I knew I shouldn't have tried to talk to Espresso. This is just embarrassing. He was suprised this had happened, he usually does great with speaking to others.

"I also just really just felt like coming over to say hi!" Madeleine exclaimed.

"Oh..cool.." Espresso faked a smile and waiting patiently for Madeleine to leave. He didn't want to be rude like the other lame interactions hes had with Madeleine.

"So, what are you doing out here all alone in the cold? You're dressed very lightly for this kind of weather. Madeleine asked, concerned.

"Ah, well, it's just very beautiful out tonight. I don't mind the cold. My coffee magic is able to warm me up anyways." He lied, not knowing he had visible goosebumps from the temperature outside. He noticed that Madeleine might've been trying to start a conversation though.

Madeleine kindly smiled. "You should head home. It's getting late. It's not that safe out here anymore."
Finally. He wants to leave me alone.

Espresso looked at the sky, now a dark red. It began to sprinkle. He looked over to look at the town square to see that many others were now gone. He must've been sitting out there for a while. "I appreciate your concern, but, I'll be fine." He got up off the bench and stood in front of Madeleine.

"I'm going to head home now. Thank you for your company.." Espresso waved as he turned around and disappeared into the foggy rain, the earthy smell of the rain filling the air around him. Madeleine got up from the bench and began heading to his own home as well.

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