15- Summary

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—Quick summary for you guys!

Gingerbrave asked Madeleine to choose whoever he thinks will be helpful during an expedition to attack enemies that are heading towards the Cookie Kingdom. Since he had been getting closer to Espresso recently, he is the first person he could think of to bring with him. He finds it way to Espresso's location with the help of Latte and he convinces the both of them to join the mission.

Madeleine and Latte are able to find three others to join the expedition as well. (Herb, Raspberry, and Chili Pepper.) Gingerbrave did the same thing with Knight Cookie. He let Knight Cookie pick some cookies to join his team. Gingerbrave lead one team while Knight Cookie lead the other. The two teams leave the Kingdom by a boat each and they arrive in seperate rows of Islands to speed up the expedition. Knight Cookie's team isn't important right now.

While Gingerbrave's team scrambled from Island to Island, Madeleine and Espresso became closer to eachother. They began to understand eachother's feelings and their likes and dislikes about eachother, growing their soon-to-be strong bond. Kind of like they did in their crk story, they helped eachother move foward towards victory. A chapter that really shows this is chapter 9, Basilisk.

In the chapter, the two remember earlier that month when they explored the beautiful, unexplored forests together with the moonlight lighting their path. Espresso appreciated the calm moment between him and Madeleine so he agrees to adventure around the island with him while their teammates rested on the ship. They left unnoticed.

The two discovered an eerie, volcano-like hill in the distance and head toward it in curiosity. When walking into the entrance of a cave engraved in the mountain, they discover beautiful crystal, glowing rocks all around it. One of them accidentally steps on an unknown object and the light source quickly disappears. In a bit of a panic, Madeleine and Espresso are quickly able to combine their magic in order to create a useful source of light to light their path. Madeleine's top objective at that moment was to protect Espresso and make sure nothing happens to him. To his dismay, Espresso was brave enough to attack the boss first and was able to damage it halfway before unfortunately being voilently knocked to the ground by the Basilisk. Madeleine is able to defeat the boss on his own before immediately rushing towards the injured mage. Espresso quickly recovered and Madeleine helped him with walking back to the boat in the cold, dark weather.

Madeleine and Espresso are opposites. This causes arguments and quarrels to break out easily. But overtime, being near eachother 24/7 has been causing them to be able to understand eachother, lessening the amounts of useless fights. Madeleine's bravery and arrogance of course does irritate Espresso most of the time. Deep down, these two truly do care for eachother. Losing one another would cause an undescribable devastating feeling. Espresso would most definitely try to hide it though.


Espresso tries not to begin arguments with Madeleine, unless he's trying to show him that he's correct about something. Madeleine's light magic is not the main reason why Espresso acts coldly to him. Madeleine's attitude towards him always irritates him. He feels like Madeleine's kindness towards him is being faked and he's always in disbelief that Madeleine truly cares about him.

Madeleine also doesn't try to argue. He's horrible at arguing and Espresso almost always wins them. Fighting with Espresso always gives him a migraine.
Madeleine is aware of Espresso's feelings towards his magic but he doesn't care and continues to try his best to earn Espresso's trust. Espresso already trusts him a lot and during chapter nine, he realizes that Madeleine actually does care about him. This quickly reduces his hatred towards Madeleine even though he's only scornful towards him because he tries to hide that he cares about him.
This story isn't even halfway finished so don't expect them to kiss until like um ch. 20 or something ehehehe. (soon)

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