3- Camping

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"I'm tired." Espresso mumbled. He sat down against the walls of the ship and burried his head in his knees. "Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea. We have to battle every monster and enemy we can find, right?" Espresso said, looking up at Madeleine.
             "Correct." Madeleine replied. He sat down with Espresso.
             "Wake me up when we're there, okay.." Espresso drousily said, immediately dozing off.
             "O—" Madeleine looked at Espresso, realizing he must've been really exhausted or something.
I really hope he slept well last night.. Madeleine thought. He continued to sit next to Espresso. He was suprised he was able to sleep with all of the noise going on.
             About two hours and a half had passed by pretty quickly. the ship make a rough stop at the shore of a small-looking island. Everybody could feel the boat move as Gingerbrave anchored it.
             "We've arrived!" Gingerbrave yelled. Cookies hastily made their way off.
             "Espresso, wake up!" Madeleine shook him lightly, it was ineffective.
             "Espresso!" Madeleine yelled.
             "Hm?" Espresso slowly opened his eyes. "We're here, we have to get off." Madeleine exclaimed, picking him up.
             Madeleine sprinted off the boat, Espresso in his arms.
             "Put me down!" Espresso yelled, finally realizing what was going on.
             Madeleine set him down. Espresso shoved him.
             "Hey, what was that for? I helped you!" Madeleine crossed his arms.
             "Ugh." Espresso scoffed, completely ignoring his question.
             Gingerbrave looked at the two. "Listen guys, we have no time to argue. We have an hour until the sun starts setting and we need to have defeated all of the enemies and monsters we can find on this island by tonight. Split up into groups of two or three as there are reported to be no large groups of enemies out here. Be back at this location by sunset."
             "Espresso, will you alongside me?" Madeleine asked, not expecting him to say yes.
             "Fine with me." Espresso replied.
             Herb Cookie toddled over to them.
             "May I join you guys? Everybody else said they don't need a healer." Herb cookie said.
             "Of course! We were just about to go looking for one." Madeleine exclaimed. Espresso and Herb Cookie followed Madeleine to a darker part of the island. It was covered in forest and many cobwebs were visible. Eventually, many enemies had been defeated by the two. Neither of the three had any major injuries. Espresso was slightly burnt on his hand from one of the enemies weapons.
             "Alright, let's head back. I think that was all of them in that area." Espresso stated.
             "Neither of you have sustained any injuries that I haven't healed, have you?" Herb asked.
             Espresso looked down at the palm of his right hand. "I was slightly burnt on my palm, but that's alright.
             "May I see?" Madeleine asked.
             Espresso held out his hand.
             "Espresso! Does that not hurt?" Madeleine yelled quietly. Espresso's hand was a dark shade of red, a little bit covered in dried blood.
             "I'm alright. It will heal by itself." Espresso replied, holding back his pain. Madeleine held his hands they continued to walk. Espresso smiled. Madeleine's touch actually ended up causing it to be less painful. Herb followed closely behind the two.
             Tree branch by tree branch, Madeleine pushed them away to create a path for the others to walk through. That's when something jumped out in front of him. It hissed at the three. Frantically, Madeleine shieled the two and sliced the amazingly large snake's neck. The neck and head grew back.
             "Ugh.." Madeleine groaned. He didn't want this to take long, the sun was beginning to set. Espresso attacked the snake as well, its head grew back once again.
             "Espresso, blow up his body, I'll slice at the neck again."
             Espresso did just that, he liked that plan. Effortlessly, he used his coffee magic skill to suck the enemy into a dark void, at the same time, Madeleine cut the serpent's lower neck off, leaving nothing for the head to grow back onto.
             "Woah." Espresso said, exhaling.
             "That was amazing, you guys! Great teamwork. Herb Cookie cheered. The three of them walked to the edge of the island where Gingerbrave had asked to gather.
             "Great news everyone!" Gingerbrave called out, as they arrived. They were the last to come back out of the whole group. They stood together in the grass.
            "All of the monsters on this island are no more, thanks to you all and your hard work. We will be resting here safely and leaving here tommorow morning. How does that sound to everybody?" Gingerbrave asked with confidence, wearing his signature smile.
            Many of the cookies cheered loudly of celebration Espresso covered his ears. Madeleine signaled Gingerbrave to stop the noise.
             "All right everybody, that's enough! Let's set up some tents and a fire, we're camping tonight!" Gingerbrave declared. Espresso was confused. Tents? He realized that he'd forgotten to pack one, he must've been tired while packing. He sighed and walked over to Gingerbrave who was gathering firewood. (God save me I'm choking on soda.)
             "Hey, Gingerbrave. Would you and the others have an extra tent I could borrow?" He asked.
             "Oh..! Uhh, I don't think so, sorry Espresso! I'm sure there are others willing to share with you. I'm very sure that there will be others sharing with each other." Gingerbrave replied, looking around at all of the others and their tents.
             "Mm, okay. Thanks, Gingerbrave." Espresso said, walking to the soon-to-be campfire that other cookies were building.

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