6- Reconciliation

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             Espresso and Madeleine finished drying off after the incident and the waterfall. Finding more monsters, and hopefully and enemy became their new objective.

"Espresso get behind me, I hear something." Madeleine held his shield out in front of him with one hand, pointing his sword with the other.
"Hisss!" A fairly large serpent slithered down from a tree branch, dropping onto the dirt in front of them.
The snake began strangely seeming to morph. The bottom of its tail began to extend to two times larger than it already was. It began to laugh.
"Haha! Why do you two look so shocked, fight me!" The serpent began circling around them. Espresso and Madeleine jumped out of its little circle in time before it was able to trip them.
The serpent began laughing again. Its mouth grew wide. It began to salivate while its head hovered above them. Purple serpent saliva dripped onto Espresso's glasses. The glasses immediately obliterated.
"Oh my god. Madeleine, I can't see!" Espresso shouted, looking around.
"Just try not to let that snake's fluid touch you at all." Madeleine held his shield out below the serpent to test if his sword was built for this.
"I can at least see everything that's a bit further away.." Espresso squinted his eyes.
The Serpent lunged at them, knocking them both over. Madeleine quickly grabbed onto Espresso before he hit the ground.

"Espresso, I know you can't see but you have to try to make out where things are! Do you see where the serpent is?! You could have avoided that!" Madeleine shouted close to his face.
"Stop shouting so goddamn loud, I'm blind, not deaf! And I can see more than just blobs." Espresso shouted back.
"Great! Stick behind me then, okay?" Madeleine replied, holding his sword out at the serpent.
"Such cowards!" The creature growled, showing its large, curved fangs. "This is for the Charinged Basilisk!" With all of its strength, it used its long body to slam into Espresso and Madeleine. They crashed into a tree together.
"Gah! What the hell is going on?! What was that big purple thing that just slammed into us?!" Espresso became overwhelmed by the situation.

"That was the serpent, smartass! Now get up and stay behind me if you don't want to get injured!" Madeleine yelled out coldly.
Espresso quickly hid next to a tree, away from the horrifying creature.
Madeleine ran straight to the middle of the serpent's terrifying large body, out of its reach.
Stabbing into the serpent's hard flesh, he closed his eyes. The open stab wound began oozing out thick, red blood. He fought harder, stabbing into the same spot multiple times until it finally went through its whole body.
"Yes!" Madeleine shouted in celebration.
"Hah! You thought that would make me take damage?" The serpent lowered its head to Madeleine's eye level. Hearing this, he jumped up onto the serpent. He grabbed onto its nose to keep himself on top of it.
The serpent shook its head around. "Hey, get off!" It shrieked.
"Never." Madeleine held his sword up to its eye, stabbing through it.
"GAHH! AGHAAA—" It wailed. It dropped to the ground.
Madeleine could see the serpent's weird-looking pattern disappearing. He watched the serpent morph back into its smaller, yet large form.
He stabbed it in the middle of its head to finish it off. He struggled to pull his sword out of the serpent's skull.
From Espresso's view, all he could see was a blurry blob of white and blue that resembled Madeleine fighting a large purple and blue blob that resembled the serpent. He could see Madeleine drop to his knees and the purple blob slowly turning to ashes.
"Madeleine!" Espresso rushed over to the knight to check on him. Madeleine was kneeling on one knee, catching his breath. All of that running and sword-fighting exhausted him.
"Woah!" Raspberry yelled. She rushed over to Espresso, Madeleine, and the slowly disappearing enemy.
"Now Raspberry, this is one of the enemies that are a danger to the kingdom." Latte pointed at the deceaced serpent.
"Dang, I didn't know we would be battling big snakes.." Raspberry sighed, sheathing her blade.
"It talks too." Espresso exclaimed, looking up at the women.
"Brr.. That's scary." Raspberry shivered.
"Is Madeleine doing alright?" She walked closer to where Espresso was standing.
"Yes, yes I'm fine.." Madeleine stood up.
"Well then, let's head back to the ship." Latte began walking in the direction of the shore.
"Espresso, please take my hand." Madeleine held out his hand for Espresso to grab.
"Why?" Espresso crossed his arms.
"Ugh. Well you don't want to run into anything while you walk with me and the others right?"
"Fine." Espresso said with a sigh. He put his hand in Madeleine's and the four began walking all together, all tired from battle. He smiled.

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