13- Minor Mistakes

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Red Velvet Cookie reached his arm out to Licorice's aid. "Licorice Cookie, grab on!" He yelled.

Licorice grunted as he doggy paddled closer to the other, struggling to keep his head above the water. He grappled onto Red Velvet's wrist. Red Velvet swam his way back to the raft with difficulty because of the extra weight he pulled.

Red Velvet and Licorice pulled themselves up onto the raft. It was in much horrible condition than it had been in before.

The pair watched as Gingerbrave's boat sailed away closer and closer to land. "Let's get a move on and make our way to land as well." Licorice suggested as he began to conduct a dark magic spell to move the raft.


Madeleine removed his cape and some armor to dry himself off quicker. He took off his headpiece as well and held it in his hands in front of himself. It's damaged, He thought. Half of the material of the decorative wings were chipped in several places, but there wasn't too much destruction. He sighed in disappointment as even the slightest imperfections of any of his belongings bothered him. Madeleine continued to hold the wings of the headpiece in his hands as he made his way to a random crate to sit down, rest himself, and to stare off into the morning sky and waters. He examined the opaque fog all around the ocean. Large, sharp ice bergs stook out as the weather was getting closer and closer to winter.

Espresso Cookie popped up in front of him, covering the beautiful view of the ocean. "Let me see that." He said, holding out his hand.

"Hm?" Madeleine hummed, tilting his head. He hesitated before handing his broken headpiece over to Espresso. "Sure, here."

Espresso held Madeleine's headpiece in his hands and turned it around a couple of times to spot all of the damages. Madeleine stared in curiosity. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Espresso glanced up at Madeleine. "I could renovate your headpiece using my magic if you would like me to."

Madeleine looked back down at the headpiece, still in Espresso's hands. "I didn't know Coffee magic could do such things."

"Did you not see me turning back time on the boat's holes caused by Licorice Cookie? Of course Coffee Magic can fix things." Espresso raised his hand up to commence his spell. "In fact, with the most advanced spells I know, repairing things of any material goes by like a breeze," he added.

Within a couple of seconds, Espresso was focused on the object. The scent of coffee ascended into the air.

Espresso held his hand out in front of Madeleine. "Here."

Madeleine took his headpiece from Espresso's hands and looked at it. "It's better than how it looked before I damaged it." Madeleine remarked, impressed.

"It's the least I could do. Turning back time on objects as small as your little headpiece is quite easy work. Espresso replied.

Madeleine adjusted the headpiece back onto his head. "I appreciate your help." He said with a smile. "It smells like coffee too."

"Apologies. My magic seems to have that affect on—"

"No, no! I've always loved the fragrance of coffee." Madeleine interrupted, removing his hands from the top of his head.

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