18- Well, That's a First

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"..." Espresso Cookie's ear began to ring intensily. He closed his eyes tightly before continuing to skim through a textbook.
He needed a break. As he looked back at the blur of words, a living creature seemed to be roaming around his desk. Espresso Cookie rubbed his eyes.

What is that? His ears were still ringing, barely putting a stop to his usual straight thinking. He forced his eyes to focus.

"Snake.!" Espresso Cookie shouted as soon as he was able to determine what he had been trying so hard to examine. A small, harmless garter snake proceeded to slither around and on top of the book, covering the open pages in bacteria. The cookie's ears stopped ringing. The snake must've scared it away.

Espresso Cookie began conducting a small spell against the innocent creature. It slithered away in time and out of his sight.

Where did it go?
Oh no. Now there was a "scary" creature loose inside of Espresso Cookie's home. He turned around. There were two yellow snakes making their way up his wall. They were many times larger than that measly garter snake. Most likely something that would be reasonable to be afraid of.

The professor stared in pure terror. "Oh my god." This moment would surely traumatize him. He looked down to see there were around six colorful serpents slowly roaming the room. The cookie dashed out. This was too much for him. Why are there terrifying creatures terrorizing him?

He had quickly burst through the door and out into the village.


Espresso Cookie crossed his fingers. Please be in the plaza. Please.

The Prof. sprinted down the sidewalk and passed the streetlights. He looked around. The cookie dressed in royal blue and gold quickly caught his eye.
"Madeleine Cookie, Madeleine Cookie!" Espresso Cookie called out as he rushed towards the other.

"Why hello there, Espresso Cookie.. I didn't expect to see you here like.. this.?" Madeleine Cookie noticed his panicked expression, pale and concerning. It was slowly turning into an irked one remembering who he'd decided to run to.

"Are you alright? What's wrong, please tell me."

... Espresso Cookie began to realize how pathetic he was being. He sighed. "We need to go back to the Tropical Soda Islands."

Confused, Madeleine asked "And why is that?" He asked, confused.

"Madeleine," he began. "there are harmless snakes as well as venomous snakes ambushing me in my own home. They look exactly like the serpents we've come across during out quest."

The paladin thought for a moment. "Ah, I see what you're saying. They're back and we've failed.. miserably..?" His voice held an aching tone.

"Madeleine? You know we can fix this. Let's leave this instant." Espresso said, grabbing onto his hand and beginning to walk him to the outskirts of the kingdom.

Madeleine stopped. "Now why on earthbread would you suggest that?! It's late at night and I was supposed to be in bed like—half an hour ago!"

Espresso chuckled. "Motivation. Now bring back your knightly and persevering personality and let's get a move on, sha'll we?" He said with a smile. Something that Madeleine never thought somebody like Espresso would do, but it quickly brought a smile on his own face as well.

They were now walking at a slower pace, Espresso's hand still holding onto the knight's. Madeleine squeezed his hand lightly. Espresso was hesitant, but clutched it back.


All you could hear was oars gently dragging the water and the waves lightly crashing against it. The pale moonlight shined brightly on the small boat.

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