14- Captured

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Red Velvet stayed sitting on the raft. Licorice was standing on it, using Dark magic to move the raft faster than Gingerbrave's boat.

Gingerbrave's boat was far from the Cookie Kingdom, but it was still getting closer. As they got closer, even more ice bergs began to appear.

The team finally got Madeleine to stand up properly as falling from such a height as he did definitely caused pain, especially because the entire back of his body hit the ground first. Falling to the floor wasn't the only thing that caused pain. Using his Magic against Espresso's Magic sent a pretty large shock to his body. The heat was almost unbearable. Espresso never meant to cause any of this affliction to Madeleine of course, but he was still partly at fault for this mistake. Coffee Magic taken out of control can get quite dangerous.

How would Coffee Magic handled by Earthbread's wisest Coffee Mage get out of control you may ask?

Madeleine is at fault for Espresso's magic going slightly haywire because he had never tried to use his magic like this ever before. As he'd asked for, the Celestial Light protected him from the Coffee Magic that was spiraling out of control, but the Magic breaking caused a bit of agony.

Using his Light Magic against Espresso's is what caused the Coffee Magic to heat up to an almost boiling point. So both Madeleine and Espresso are to blame for the accident, even though Espresso was just trying to protect the other. He didn't want even more chaos.

Madeleine was fully concious and back to how he used to be. His armor and cape had already dried out in the cold afternoon sun and he had already put it back onto himself.

Espresso jotted down notes about what had happened reguarding Madeleine's Light Magic and his own magic clashing. Things he should avoid in the future to not accidentally hurt anybody else. Madeleine rested himself right next to the mage. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing of your business." Espresso replied.

Madeleine raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Why is my name on that piece of paper you're writing on then?" He slowly read the journal.

Espresso continued writing. "Indeed, it does have your name on here, but it still doesn't really have anything to do with you." He turned the paper away.

Madeleine snatched the book right out of Espresso's hands in curiosity.

"Wh- Hey!" Espresso said with a scoff.

Madeleine held a hand out in front of him. "Calm down, I just want to see what you're writing about. I swear I saw my name.


"...Don't overuse Magic on allies/friends or Madeleine. Results are dangerous.. Light Magic  used against Coffee Magic dangerous.." Madeleine read.

Espresso glared at Madeleine, waiting for a reply.

"Am I— Am I some sort of test subject.?" Madeleine asked, looking at Espresso with a quizzical expression.

Espresso's eyes widened. "No, you dumbass! I'd never use you for something as dangerous as that."

Madeleine pointed at the journal. "Then explain that!"

"Do you not remember what you did when you thought it was a good idea to break out of my spell using your stupid Light Magic? I wrote that down to protect anybody that I might have to use Coffee Magic on in the future. I did not know that what I did would have a detrimental affect on you even though it's really your fault."

"Light Magic is not stupid! If it was, then how did I manage to hurt myself so badly."

"Exactly. You hurt yourself using your own magic so it is stupid. Espresso replied.

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