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While Obama was home he decided to disguise himself as somebody unrecognizable so he gave himself a hair wig and a little bit of makeup, so he got out of his house and drove to Starbucks.

He entered Starbucks and walked up to the big nuts guy's counter while looking down. He glared at the big nutted guy's eyes while looking down and then he looked up while glaring at his face.

Obama's Mind: (Damn, he's hot. i wonder what his balls look like)

"Why tf are u staring at me like that?" the big nutted guy asked with a concerned voice.

When Obama heard his voice he thought "Damnnn his voice is cute asf"

"I'd like to order ur favorite coffee." Obama answered.

"Okay? coming right up" big nuts answered back with a confused voice.

Obama walked slowly towards to a random chair with a boner.

After that big nuts was done making Obama's coffee he ran towards Obama with his balls bouncing up and down Obama thought "His balls look edible"

"Heres your coffee sir!" big nuts guy said and then accidentally tripped and the whole entire coffee was everywhere on the big nutted guy because his testicles were bouncing while he was running. The coffee also landed on Obama's T-Shirt.

"O-O-O-O-O-O-Oh-Oh I'm s-s-so s-sorry s-sir!! I'll get u a new shirt and remake the coffee!!" he got up and tried to run back to the coffee making thing but before he could leave with his bouncing balls Obama pulled him and Obama's wig disappeared and the big balls looked at his right for no absolute reason

"WAIT STAY. You just made my shirt look better because I've got a continent on it now." Obama said in his normal voice.

"Uh- *looks at Obama* d- W-WAIT ARE YOU OBAMA?? OH MY FUCKING GOD NO WAY ITS YOU YOU EVEN SOUND LIKE OBAMA" big nuts guy yelled in excitement while backflipping.

"Shut the fuck up cutie" Obama said and seductively licked his wet shirt full of coffee

The Big nutted dude thought:
"Oh fuck what the absolute fuck is happening right now I'm about to get fired"

Obama left starbucks afterwards and gave big nuts his Fortnite gamertag and home address.

Obama and Big Nuts VC'ed on Fortnite and were planning on a meetup

"Brb." Obama said.


A second later after that Obama brb'ed he INSTANTLY broke down his door and bashed into his room

"Yo wassup cutie" Obama said in a maid dress while twerking.

The Big nutted guy got jumpscared and screamed like a mf skinwalker and blushed cutely while glaring at obama


Obama then slapped the shit out of the big nutted guys massive face

"My name is Barack Hussein Obama II"

"Oh my name is Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr."

They both made out and got married 6 hours later.

Big Nuts Guy abandoned his house and went on to live with Obama

T.B.C 👃

Barack Obama x Big Balls Guy Where stories live. Discover now