the plan

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Obama, Gunna and Young Thug made a plan to get revenge on fat nuts guy, they already had a tracker on him.

The 3 of em got in a fatass van, Obama was the driver cuz he knows a lot about destinations and driving, he starts driving to big nuts guys location in 210 speed.

After that they finally arrived to his location, they got outta the van and he was at a 900 year old castle, you could literally see him filming a tiktok of him fucking wiggling his bigass nuts.

The 3 of them boys bite their lip at the same time and run into the castle, Young Thug had a taser with him to do sth cute to the big nutted guy.

They reach the floor where big nuts guys at, then Young Thug pulls out his taser while hiding in a locked treasure that is behind big nuts guy.

Obama and Gunna silently french kiss while he films his balls tiktok, then Young Thug broke the treasure and pushed big balls guy down to the floor and tased his balls for 30 seconds, then Obama and Gunna ran towards the big nutted guy while he was tasing his balls, Gunna started poking the big nutted guys big nuts hard af which caused big nuts guys penis to explode and float away like a balloon.

After that, his balls got tinier and became the tiniest and most purple balls ever then he 'died' due to testicular cancer.

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