After 2 mins of walking by leg with Banana's poorly connected saggy minecraft bootycheeks doing a touchdown dance by accident, they finally find the building which was the fatass ftm witch's house that looks real normal, this how it looked like:
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Third person perspective:
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Hell tf nah dawg now nerdy nuts easy to roast cuh even this fatass ftm witch dressed up as a mf sumo player dawg this shi fr proves that Banana is a sumo player tf wrong wit both of them mfs dawg this fatass ftm witch's twisted ahh legs shi looks like the mcdonald's logo with the middle seperated this uglyass mf dawg whiteass lil paleass minecraft asscheeks be lookin like felix the cat's eyeballs dawg no mf eyelashes no mf ears im glad this nf aint got ears on they bootycheeks dawg tf man now with nerdy nuts and his goofy lookin ass with them nuclear bomb symbol lookin ahh bootycheeks them despicable me minion lookin ahh nuts gah mf damn cuz im glad this fatass ftm witch aint got no saggyass nuts that shi woulda looked nasty asl fat hell geometrical asl dawg blocky asf minecraft laggy nuts that gravity is on pluto tf wrong with both them mfs dawg tf
"This is it." Banana said with a calm tone.
"Damn, whose house is this?"
"Mine, but to be specific. My family's house."
"Ok, can we go in rn?"
Hubert Blaine's mind: "aint no damn way his family still alive and have this kinda housedawg all them mfs were living in the ancient years them oldass mfs dawg whole lotta wrinkles bet all of their asscheeks are saggy asf and square shaped. there are some oldass mfs in there i bet they doing nasty shit in there tf" Hubert Blaine aggressively thinks as they walk towards the house.
Their slowass finally got to the door and Banana started lagging, he rotated 360 degrees and his asscheeks started playing the ph intro outta nowhere.
Hubert Blaine's mind:"this mf can't be this retarded and this mf laggy cuh, aint no goddamn way man this mf fr did an impression of my clone fuck wrong wit this goofyass mf be uncontrollably playing the ph intro with his minecraft square cheeks outta nowhere i still ain't gon say none tf"