the security room

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Obama was in Purple Guy's security office, Obama and Purple Guy checked the cameras together till Ohama got the urge to pee.

"I gotta take a piss real quick" Obama said with a concerned tone then ran to the restroom cuz he got his bladder full.

He noticed that the big nutted guy was jumping near a urinal with his balls bouncing up and down, Obama was shocked bc of that and he made a youtube thumbnail face 😲 his buttcrack also looked like the west side of texas

Obama's mind: imma beat yo dirtyass later

Hubert Blaine started wiggling his 3 inch penis while his colorado shaped ass spins and bounces.

After that, Hubert Blaine's cock fell off in the urinal and it magically flushed away.

Hubert Blaine's mind: bro how tf did my wiener fall off, i hate my moms womb sm, was her womb that lazy that it had to glue a dick of a dead man?? and how tf did this urinal flush by itself"

Hubert Blaine got so confused, he thought he was delusional even tho he felt the huge amount of pain.

Then he delay screams in pain after 2 seconds. "ÆÆÆÆÆÆ@@@@@ÆŠÆŒØøƪª"

He felt so much pain that he started playing the ph intro with his asscheeks, then he stopped 3 secs later.

Hubert Blaine tried to calm down and relax, till he looked behind and noticed Obama watching him do retarded stuff.

Hubert Blaine's thoughts: "wait is that Obama?? bro istg im going to beat his ass up, why tf would he watch me do that stuff, i thought i locked the door?"

Then Hubert Blaine finally lost it and ran towards Obama with his saggy ass nuts swinging left and right

"YOU MF DIRTY BITCH, WHY TF DID YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH THAT EGGPLANT??" Hubert Blaine screamed with all his vocals.

Obama's mind: (shit bro his nuts got saggier, and where is his wiener?? im literally confused af bruh.)
(the fact that he's infront of me buttnaked is kinda hot ion know why...)

"ANSWER ME AND STOP STARING AT MY BIG VIRGIN NUTS." Hubert Blaine yelled at Obama with the choice of words while wrapping his arms around Obama.

Hubert Blaine's thoughts: (i aint even a virgin wtf am i saying)

Obama thought that Hubert Blaine became a drug dealer.

"It's hard to explain, I just hope that you're not a drug dealer now." Obama said in a calm tone.

Hubert blaine took all his anger out and screamed at the top of his lungs.

" I mean thats why u only got one lung, you deadass be soundin like an ostrich screaming in a racecar. " Obama said then he tried to run away.

But Hubert Blaine pulled Obama's arm and threw him to the ground.

Obama got so paranoid, he didn't know what to do but his legs got paralyzed outta nowhere.

                         (we got some smut here) vvv

Hubert Blaine screamed like super saiyan god and jumped on Obama while suffocating him with his 60kg balls, his balls started to hug him and he suffocated Obama till he finally chokes on his big ass nuts

"MMMMNNNNH!!! STMP!!!" Obama yelled while his balls muffled him.

Obama got a lotta goosebumps and started tearing up bc of how hairy his balls were, but Obama took all his anger out and pushed his balls up and they started bouncing smoothly.

Barack Obama x Big Balls Guy Where stories live. Discover now