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After 7 years Obama woke up in the bathroom, it was the 12th of January and the year was 2022.

But then he heard Gunna rapping loudly.

"She not a lesbian, for P, she turn Pesbian (pushin' P)" Gunna said in a sad tone while his voice reverbs loudly.

Obama heard that and got paranoid, he thought he was schizophrenic but when the rapping continued, he had to check to where it came from.

Obama tried to get up but his nipples got hard and they fell out, his teeth got cold af and he started to get so many goosebumps and tried not to cry.

After 1 min, he recovered and his goosebumps went away, but Gunna continued rapping and it really bothered him.

Obama tried to get up again and finally did it, he ran with his flat booty swinging everywhere to the studio and broke down the door.

"WHY TF ARE U-" Obama yelled and cut himself off when he saw him rapping naked, Gunna stopped rapping and looked behind and he got so embarrassed bc of his flatass booty that is about to fall off.

They both blushed.

"Bro why tf did u break down the door? U autistic or sth?" Gunna yelled quietly at Obama.

An awkward silence broke in for a few secs then Gunna wore clothes.

Obama's thoughts: (he actually kinda hot, i wanna flirt with him so bad..)

"I just fucked a cup of water" Young Thug said while wiggling his dick in every rotation.

Obama started blushing with a confused boner and went in the studio.

Young thug continued wiggling his dick till Obama thought "His dick looks edible", he wanted to eat his dick so bad, even Gunna's dick.

Obama wanted to have a threesome wit em so bad bc of how edible their balls and dick look, but Young Thug and Gunna thought the same thing and took off Obama's president clothes.

Their cock was 40 inches but Obama's butthole was only -90 inches inches deep, obama admitted that but they dont give a shit bout that so they started to buttfuck the living shit outta him till a he started farting and pooping all over their bonga.

"Can i eat your poop?" The big schlonged rappers asked Obama because his poop looked like cake.

"Ye sure" Obama responded.

After that they were done buttfucking Obama, he tried to get up but his nose accidentally fell down the floor, later then his balls fell off outta nowhere. His knees were cracking a lot while he made weird old people sounds.

Obama tried to put his balls back to where it was and also his nose, then he finally got up and put on his clothes again, he remembered big balls guy and thought he could get revenge on him with his new gang. They made up an evil plan and the other 2 then put on their clothes but Gunna's fatass balls accidentally started rapping godzilla backwards, he didnt give a damn about that but all of em approved with the plan.

(plan in part 5)

Barack Obama x Big Balls Guy Where stories live. Discover now