Hubert Blaine decided to follow Banana's lead to make out his plan while Banana's uglyass flatass minecraft bootycheeks were swinging everywhere bout just laggy asl ⬜️ ⬜️, Hubert Blaine noticed that shi with no expression 😐 mf was creepin on Banana's minecraft bootycheeks.
2 mins later
Banana was just tryna lead Hubert Blaine to his punkass uglyass ancientass oldass 90s blue car which was secretly Optimus Prime, Hubert Blaine got so disappointed when Banana got in his uglyass dildo car, this how the fatass witch looked like with his uglyass:
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Hell nah bruh this mf bout just goofy asf bros side profile built like the upside down variation of the state of texas he a fatass look at this uglyass mf face built like a green pig from bad piggies this uglyass mf bruh look at this fatass sumo player lookin ass mf with his square cheeks tf is that man people use his bum as a staircase this moldyass fatass uglyass punkass bitchass witch bro this mf bout just dirty asl he in that deformed russian optimus prime car look at this mfs nipple wheels car built diff where tf the seats at? even people can sit on his staircase bum tf is that bro look at those deformed doors he a goofyass mf look at him look at this uglyass mf how tf this uglyass emoass fatass sumo player lookin ass mf that confident to lead hubert blaine to his car hell nah i hope this mf wont start playing "help me get away from myself i wanna fuck u like an animal i wanna feel u from the inside" on the radio this billie joe armstrong lookin ahh mf bruh
"come get ur rice" banana persuaded big nuts to get in his oldass hooptie.
Hubert Blaine had a sudden thought that Banana was 90,000 years old cuz of the way he talks.
"Why tf did u say that" Hubert Blaine asked Banana then got in his hooptie whip.
"Just adding to the formula because there's actually rice in your seat!"
"Damn wha-" Hubert Blaine responds to banana but cuts himself off cuz randomass bigass rice started to flood Hubert Blaine's fatass nuts outta nowhere
"What do you think?" Banana said while smiling like fuckin gollum.
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Touchable by remble starts to play outta nowhere then Hubert blaine's saggyass nuts start to uncontrollably bounce the way Obama pushed that mfs balls up smoothly in slowmotion.
"Man this is the most bullshit thing i've ever witnessed, wtf was that man" Hubert Blaine said with an angry tone and Banana ignored him then finally pushed the clutch pedal.
Hubert Blaine's mind: "this mf autistic?"
Banana started driving to his house fast asf while his oldass punkass uglyass bitchass car was farting and nuts guy's balls were swinging everywhere in fucking pain that they almost fell off.
"DAWG DRIVE SLOWER MY NUTS BOUTTA FALL OFF" bigass nuts guy yelled at Banana and he actually slowed down and the big nutted dude's nuts started feeling heavier than before and he internally screamed.
2 mins later
After all that loudass retardedass screaming of Hubert Blaine, that bitch finally stopped and Banana instantly started driving normal as soon as he stopped screaming like a fuckin didgeridoo.