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Hubert Blaine ran upstairs with his nuts swinging and bouncing everywhere so damn slow that his nuts froze, then his bumass nuts started to sing bout "let it go, let it go" which made them unfrozen. He smirked and rubbed his hands, then opened a random door that he thought was the bathroom but instead he saw a goofyass stupidass uglyass fatass dirtyass big mf laying down the floor completely naked with his uglyass vegan donuts from belgium off of dunkin' donuts lookin ahh genitals with his bigass breasts and wideass nipples not moving a single muscle just be starring at the mf door and shit, Hubert Blaine instantly shut the door close. But after he did that, he heard the big boobs nasty bitch yell way too mf loud that only Hubert Blaine heard it.

"YOLO!" He yelled with his deepass voice.

Hubert Blaine's mind: "aw hell nah, they fr got weirdass creepyass mfs in this household? it really cant be dawg... i'm fucking scared for my fucking life now, this is my PTSD now. man wtf was that mf doing anyway? my man looked like he was tryna sleep with his eyes open. fuck wrong wit his ass cuh mf was starring at me and shit bruh wtf. jabba from starwars lookin ass mf, I was tryna find the bathroom but instead I find this shit man. I gotta think of this cuz I'm boutta lose some hygiene just by looking at all these mfs that I'm prob gon find later in this mf house."

Hubert Blaine testicularly ass-walked away to another random door without thinking of what he's gon see.

He had to witness another dumbass mf with their interior designer buttass naked adding jungle decorations while standing on a leaf ladder with their uglyass square bundacheeks that are boutta fall off ✅✅ that pair of saggy bootycheeks aint right mf tf those greenass cheeks on bruh

The dumbass mf in the room had 19 coconuts on their jungle textured bed wearing a luau that instantly started singin bout "oomgabeya oomgabeya its me tarzan" the bathroom after checking all those doors till the 4th one that finally turns out to be the bathroom.

Hubert Blaine's mind: "ffs bruh, wtf is wrong with these mfs having biological pre-bugs inside this house man? I'm just tryna find the bathroom but instead I found 2 rooms with 3 retardedass mfs doing weird retarded shit in there they fr got a tarzan wannabe in there bruh"

Hubert Blaine shut the door close and he slowly ass-walked to another random door.

Hubert Blaine's mind: "aight man, this is the bathroom. Not a retardedass room, that's ong."

He opened the door in pleasure but instead saw a single room with 2 rooms that could change into each of the rooms inside that room whenever he says a full sentence.

Room 1 (rockin' emo cult test): a regular room with a gaming setup that's real close to the door with some random stupid mf pi shouing on the desk while wiggling their dick with sweatpants on.

Room 2 (the spectacular illusion): a pitch black room with a randomly generated mirror that doesn't do what the person's doing, just sum randomass moves.

Hubert Blaine's mind: "Goddamn i shoulda just asked Abdullah where this bathroom is, cuz wtf is this? I'm fr boutta talk to myself cuz of this. This's fr the shit that happens to a cool mf who starts acting like a white dude from the 60s outta nowhere? I ain't never gon do that shit again, I feel so much regret. Tf's this fatass saggy belly mf doin in here wiggling their dick like that? Goddamn, they boutta create a new talent tf."

"Yo cuz, tf is u doin' in here wiggling your dick like that bruh?" Hubert Blaine said to that dick wiggling ass mf which made him go faster like the speed of light.

"Yo, I'm boutta go slowmotion cuz of you, fuck outta here. I'm tryna practice the most hardcore thunderdome ever performed with my swingy twizzy baggy gravity hardcore dick wiggling to help me think of a name for that thunderdome." The mf responded to him as the dick wiggling got slower.

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