Downstairs, The Living Room Banana's family and their friend's POV:
Banana's whole entire living family decided to drive away to buy some groceries which made all the ppl in the house think that they're actually driving away to buy some groceries.
All of em are rollin but Banana's being the mf who's carrying this homie energy. But they still have this bumass "road to riches" song playing on loop and some of the ppl in this bumass household are already getting bored of road to riches.
Aaron walked up to Banana and whispered to him:
"Banana, I'm fucking bored, so are the other homies and you's the one that's carryin' this party. Just do something for the birthday party."
"I'll think of that, Aaron McLevinson."
"I don't think you know what I meant."
"I know what you meant, we gotta discuss the new music."
"..." ——— Silence broke in.
Their dumbasses discuss what the new song should be played privately as the others have amusing, spontaneous and spectacular fun.
2 mf mins later
They're finally done discussing the new music privately.
"YOOO!! CAN YOU TURN THIS SHIT OFF ALREADY?! DAMN BRUH!!" some random bitchass thug yelled his vocals out without hesitation.
"Me and Aaron just got done discussing the new music, we-"
Y'all, how 'bout this? We gon' pick a new mf song since this one-" some oldass lady cut banana banged on the window
"Man stfu, don't finish your fucking sentence, just play the new song which will prolly be worse than this shit."
"BITCH, CHILL TF OUT." Banana yelled at the thug leaning over, this moldyass bitch dont realize shit.
"How 'bout you chill tf out? I'm an oldass thug and I'm old enough to fuckin' die. And it wont be a tragedy if I die cuz all y'all are fuckin ugly. Bitch that's why i can't wait to fuckin' die so I don't have to remember and look at y'all ugly punk saggy asses in here, god damn-"
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mf shut yo uglyass up tryna be tough meanwhile u look like u giggle like a leather chair getting sat on combined with spongebob bitch yo ass even looks like spongebob wit yo nastyass lil shitty headass bitch yo ass smile looks like spongebob mf aw man this uglyass mf with his uglyass tree plank lookin ahh back hair with his oldass cellphone aloysius ohare lookin ahh front hair with his uglyass lookin like ozzy osbourne without glasses this uglyass mf dawg im glad they didnt color him cuz ion wanna see how shitty his head is dawg, nose built like a playground slide mfs could fr slide on that shi tf 🛝 mf built weird dawg im glad that he aint real, if this mf was real then he would be an english singer cuz this mf built like ozzy osbourne with bigger eyes with his uglyass i can virtually smell this shittyass mf through the mf screen dawg this mf just ugly man, this mf hires dick wigglers to dick wiggle on top of this mfs head thats why he got an ahoge this mf dawg
(the character shown in the picture of 'the thug' is owned by blueycapsules and not by me)
"STOP, STOP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Banana cut the oldass thug off while shaking everywhere. Banana shakes while flapping his trans arms tryna be flappy bird way too mf hard and fast that he fell on a glass of wine which made Banana do an accidental trickshot to change the music into a racist country song by Johnny Rebel.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! ... DAMN!" Banana said a second after that he changed the music by accident.
"Now you ain't had to show off a new superpower of yours. Accidentally changing the music? Just fucking stop tryna look like you's the shit." The uglyass lil oldass thug responded to Banana.
Banana got so mad that he started clapping his oldass wrinklyass bootycheeks that expired 928 years ago then started doing frontflips to cover the thug's sight with his face.
"Zip it, punk. You aint no thug." Banana replied to the uglyass thug while giving him a death stare fr be lookin like:
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Nastyass uglyass moldyass punkass lankyass spankyass skankyass bitchass dirtyass stinkyass smellyass stupidass retardedass mf fuck is yo uglyass tryna do wit yo shortass face dawg how tf yo face even got shorter man now u be lookin like the frankenstein monster's child u fuckin nasty bitch yo lil floppy fish thin booty lips be lookin like sum polluted sausage mf fuck wrong wit yo uglyass mf u look and are nasty asl u weird like shit boi yo nostrils be lookin like boogers mf meanwhile ur eyes be lookin like ammo bitch yo bigass mf teeth dawg fuck is yo nastyass tryna act tough wit yo invisible mona lisa eyebrows u lil nasty bitch "zip it punk" who u tryna talk to mf thats why youll never be shit dawg u think the only beautiful part bout u are ur longass fuckin nose hair u lil nastyass mf u be lookin like u got a dildo in ur ass rn dawg u put that shit inside ur booty cuz every poop that comes outta u looks like a fucking dildo just like the dickhead u are u fucking dicknose youre also a dickeye bitch fuck wrong wit u u weird asl mf yo uglyass mona lisa eyebrows still gone wit yo moldyass u lil melty swelly bitch get yo uglyass outta our space lookin like that tryna scare off mofos dawg ppl in ur universe die just by looking at u cuz of how cringey and ugly u act and look u fucking ugly jackwagon dawg
...silence broke in for 8 seconds.
"You's a punkass bitch. The fuck was that weak shit?" The uglyass thug broke the 8 second silence with his vulgar language.
"You hesitated or just thought of saying that weak shit to me, huh? Who do you think are, punk?"
"Tryna be real damn tough, huh? I think i'm well mannered way more than you are. William the me ain't no punk, stfu."
"You stfu! The fuck you calling yourself well-mannered?! You really have no fucking imagination and your memory fucking sucks... punk."
"Shut up, punk. I'm removing you from my own space." The thug said while pointing at him with his index finger. Facially expressing anger with his frowned eyebrows and pushed upper lip.
Banana's mind: "the typical shit a punkass bitch would say when outta words, shiet."