Ch. 2 Through Terror And Darkness...

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Ryuji: "Ahh, Great! Just my luck!"

Akira: "You're lucky to see this kind of crap?"

Ryuji: "Wha-? Hell no! I was being sarcastic!"

Akira: "Ok...."

Ryuji: "Gah.....What about you (M/n)? You have any thoughts on this place?"

(M/n): "Uhh....It's a giant.....Castle......From the looks of it...Have no clue why it's here.....But....I'm really not in the mood to ask, cause if I'm late then, Kinene will kick my ass."

Ryuji: "Well we might as well get help from these guys!"

We were stopped right in our tracks by a few guards running up to us.

Guard 1: "Who the hell do you think you are intruding upon this castle??? The King will not be very happy!!!!"

Ryuji: "The hell's your guys' problem? All we need is instructions for Shujin!"

Guard 1: "Are you talking back to us? King Kamoshida will no be happy!!! Oh no, he will absolutely not be happy!!!!"

Ryuji: "Wait what?????"

The moment stopped abruptly once all of us were brought to a cell, poor Ryuji had it rough unlike me and Akira who stayed quiet, but our blonde haired compadre, I wish I could say the same for.

Ryuji: "Let me go! You effin asshole!!!!"

      Poor, poor Ryuji man.......Yet, once we got in the cell, we sat there for a good bit, trying to understand what in the hell was going on.

(M/n): "Man not only will Kinene grill me for this but now, we might have to deal with a king who happens to be named over somebody at our actual school??? Just what day is today??????"

Ryuji: "The 10th!!! But judging by the freakish people we have in this "castle". I think we might be having more problems than originally thought. What are you th-Hey wait, are you asleep Akira?????"

Akira: "Zzzzzzzzz"

Ryuji: "For Real????? He had to go to sleep NOW OF ALL TIMES????"

(M/n): "Calm down Ryuji! There must be something wrong with this situation. So please let me think, a castle......Kamoshida..... "King" Kamoshida......Hold on...Ryuji....Didn't you say something earlier about a king and a castle?"

Ryuji: "Uh yeah? Whenever we got here...."

(M/n): "Ka-Wait no! I meant before that, back when everything was still normal....You said something about a king and a castle......"

Ryuji: "Oh yeah! As in that bastard Kamoshida a-."

???: "So these are the guys who tried to infiltrate into my castle????"

Me and Ryuji look as see what looked to be a very ugly looking man who had a crown, a pink cape, some slippers, and what was even grosser than that was him only wearing just underwear underneath the cape. I could only look away in disgust as Ryuji tried to get Akira up.

In The Real World

Kawakami: "Late????? Already????? *SIGHS* Why must I be the one who has to put up with this?????"

In Another World

Akira: "What is happening right now????"

Ryuji: "Come on dude we need you to-AGH!!!!"

Me and Ryuji got knocked down as Akira was pinned against the wall.

King: "Don't ever think you can try and steal from me like this."

Ryuji: "Hey asshole we weren't trying to steal from you!!!!!!!"

King: "Oh really?? Then how will you feel once I get rid of your friend over there?????"

Ryuji: "N-No!!!! Don't!"

(M/n): "Stop it!!!!"

However they didn't listen, and went for the killing blow but something....changed....Akira.... Was laughing.


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