Ch. 12 Hidden Voice Calling...

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(M/n) POV

      When I woke up for the next day, all seemed mostly calm, Kinene didn't even get up out of bed again, in fact, this is another time in which I have gotten up before her. But, I just shrugged it off as I wanted to enter into the room while that message looked over my head like a ticking time bomb.

3rd POV



(M/n) POV

That went away while I snuck into Kinene's room to try and find the thing that Shadow Kinene was talking about, something that was important to her that wasn't me, Kinene slept lightly. I made sure to tip toe against the carpet, even though I know for a fact that Kinene is a really heavy sleeper. However, she kept tossing and turning, almost making me a bit worried that she would wake up and see me in her room and potentially freak out, justifiably so. 

(M/n) (Whisper): "Come on.....Gotta be in here....."

      Before I could say anything else or make any more progress to find out just what Kinene had thought of as incredible importance, her alarm clock went off which startled me causing me to tip toe over to the door then close it before I was spotted by Kinene.

(M/n): "Maybe I shouldn't do it while she's in her room.......There's got to be another way........."

      I wasn't able to think on this too much longer as I realized it was about time to get ready for school and I was not ready for another moment of Kinene getting upset at me for almost being late again. So, I went over to my room to quickly change into my uniform while I heard Kinene yawning pretty loudly.


      At school, I noticed in my classroom that Ryuji was texting, a lot more than he usually does. It got me thinking a bit. He must be texting Akira. Speaking of, he seems to have not gotten back to me yet about if he wants to help me yet, but I just kept calm for now, knowing that he'll probably come around and help me. I think............

Kawakami: "So (M/n).........."

(M/n): "Y-Yes?"

      I then immediately redirected my attention back to Kawakami, the brown-haired woman who taught our class wearing her long-sleeved yellow shirt and her blue skirt. She held her hands together before asking her question.

Kawakami: "Do you know what event Emperor Nero added to the Olympics?"

      The answer almost left my mind, I blanked for a few seconds, just staring up at the ceiling with a monotone expression before looking back down and saying,

(M/n): "Singing...."

      There was a brief silence after my answer was said, like I was a completely different person all of a sudden, but then Kawakami just nodded before clapping and saying,

Kawakami: "Good work, that is correct."

      I made a very silent "shew" sound while leaning back in my seat, knowing that I was right, my head then felt like it was getting a tad bit smarter but that maybe some people won't care how smart I am. But still nice to feel my brain just have a bit more knowledge in it.

3rd POV 

A point of knowledge has been put into your stats!

(M/n) POV

      Finally, it was time to go once again, but this time I was actively searching for Akira and Ryuji but I saw them nowhere in sight, that is, until I went out to the practice building and then, there they were out of the corner of my eye. I saw them, I ran over to their location only to be cut off by an unusual voice shouting at both of them....I stopped in my place, till I moved my head around to see them talking to......A cat?????



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