Christmas Harem Special

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Akira: "Gee I wonder what the others are up to right now......"


      The black haired boy took out his phone and got a notification from a woman named Kinene, who happened to be quite a good friend of his, in fact, unbeknownst to the world, those two were affiliated with the group know as the Phantom Thieves. With Akira the leader, and Kinene, a member for at least a few months at this point.

It read,

"Hey, you free for tonight? It's Christmas Eve, and we might as well celebrate what we just went through......You in?"

      The "Thing they just went through" she was referring to happened to be a giant god by the name of Yaldaboath. It was taken down after Joker spawned in a giant being known as Satanael to shoot a bullet through its shiny god like temple.

Akira could only hesitate at what his answer. Yet, once he thought on it longer, he decided to respond,

"Yes. I'll show up."

"Great. Will you just come by train or no?"

"That's the easiest way so yes, I'll be there shortly."

To Kinene and (M/n)

(M/n): "So he'll be coming here?"

Kinene: "He said yes, so I don't know what else to expect from an answer than that other than him not showing up."

      She put her phone away while reassuring her "son" that their leader would show up for such a special occasion. As for the rest of the group, they all had their own little things to do so it just the thre-well technically four of them if they included Morgana in on that too. With him starting to embrace who he really was.


The three people and one cat proceeded to have a very nice dinner, all the while the "mother" and "son" could only laugh at what their leader had to say.

Akira: "Yes....I know.......I had to tease him every once and a while......"

Morgana: "It's not funny when I almost got kidnapped you know that right?????"

Akira: "Come on I tease you man."

Morgana: "Yeah but you're not very good at it...."

Kinene: "So....How's the food? I really tried to a bit of a kick to it so that way it would add more flavor."

(M/n): "I like it."

Akira: "It's quite nice....You should consider making this again sometime."

Kinene: "I will as long as you approve of it~."

(M/n): "M-Mother!!!!"

Kinene: "Hehehe~! I'm only kidding! I just like to tease you!"

(M/n): "Well, please don't do it again! That is not good for my heart! I-Oh?"

The boy took out his phone and saw four different messages that were left unread by him, one.....was from Ann. The other.....From Makoto. The other from Hifumi. The last....From Haru....

(M/n): "Uh.....Umm..Mo-Mom....."

Kinene: "Yes~?"

(M/n): "Would you mind if I dismissed myself right now?"

Kinene: "Oh....Uh....I suppose I see why not.....I mean it is the holidays after all! So please be my guest!"

(M/n) quietly got up from his seat and went back to his room where he looked down at his phone in question....Trying to figure out....

Who should I spend Christmas Eve with????





Why Not All of them?

(M/n): "Fuck it......"

      The teen messaged all four of them in very quick succession as they all responded that they would be there in a few minutes. (M/n) got on his coat and waited for them. The first to arrive was Makoto wearing her nice blue jacket she had as she spoke,

Makoto: "Good evening."

(M/n): "Good evening..."

Makoto: "So....What do you plan on doing today?"

(M/n): "Well, would you mind going inside and waiting? I just have something I want to get you first....."

Makoto: "O-Oh....Ok....."

      When Makoto went inside, the other three girls arrived pretty quickly after that. With (M/n) instructing them to all go inside, with the last one to arrive being Hifumi, he went inside with her once he did, Kinene stood near the entrance with folded arms and a bit of a snicker alongside Akira who could only put a hand in front of his mouth to hide his smile.

Kinene: "Good luck in there...."

(M/n): "Sorry about that....That was just....My mother....."

Hifumi: "Ok....."

What he didn't know was occurring was a light stare down between all three of the girls, which caused the air to get rather hostile despite the jolly holiday they were in.

Makoto: "What are they doing here (M/n)???"

Ann: "Yeah.....I was gonna ask the same thing...."

(M/n): "Look....Could we not try and get so riled up for the holidays???? We should all try and get along...."

Makoto: "You know what? You're right....Cause there's no point in arguing.......Unless......."

(M/n): "Unless what?"

Makoto: "Tell us.......Who's your favorite?????"

(M/n): "W-What??????"

Haru: "Ooo.....That is a rather interesting question....Who is your favorite??????"

      The four girls started to get really close to the boy as he was being backed into a corner while his mother and their leader just backed away all the while Kinene said,

Kinene: "Merry Christmas (M/n)!!!!!"

      Let's just say it wasn't so merry after all...


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