Ch. 7 What Makes You Grow...

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(M/n) POV

(M/n): "Is this.....The same power......Akira gained????"

'I am William Of Poitiers. With this power, you will be able to find out more of your path, and grow to who you want to be....'

(M/n): "I decide.......To face my demons.....To decide that I control my life!!!!!!!!! It's my life Kinene!!!!"

Kinene?: "Stop fighting it!!!!!!! You know you can't keep this up forever!!!!!"

(M/n): "I don't want to hear you speak anymore about this!!!!!! You can't tempt me!!!!!"

I use my persona to knock her back a little as I now make a run out of "my room", but when I did....It was a lot more confusing than I thought it would be........I basically just got out of our apartment and now into a big bunker? It's a bit odd to describe but I'll try my best.

      The place I just got out off was basically a small house, nothing like what we're actually living in real life, but I assume this is what Kinene believes our apartment is like, a house isolated away from others. Speaking of the outside, surrounding it was like a large cave, and across from the house was many beds, double decker with each one on my left and right sides.

(M/n): "This place is nothing like Kamoshida's and I don't think I enjoy it one bit..."

I didn't want to stay there for too much longer as the presence of "Kinene" was a bit off putting and since she was in a bit of a pissed off mood, I was not planning on staying around for the aftermath of that.


After some well paced fights and some occasional stealth sections, I managed to escape from the bunker and as far as I could from it before reaching what looked to be a wobbly wall.

(M/n): "The hell????"

My hand felt an odd sensation when I touched it, perhaps it was my way out. Well, at this point, it HAD to be my way out, otherwise I would've been stuck here forever, and there is no way I would do that. I slowly push into it before being pulled into it as the world then morphed completely.

I was back home......

But now I was in the living room.

Kinene: "(M/n)!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry!!!!!!!!"

(M/n): "Kinene????"

Kinene: "Huh??????? Is that you (M/n)?"

(M/n): "Uhhhh....No it's Solomon good to see you again of course it's me!"

      I then hear feet stomp quickly across the floor as she now appears and looks at me dead in the eye.

Kinene: "Where....Did you go?"

(M/n): "What do you mean?"

Kinene: "I thought you LEFT me!!"

(M/n): "Like I would do that....."

Kinene: "Then where have you been???? It's nearly six o clock!!!!!!"

(M/n): "Turns out that time does fly in that place."

Kinene: "Are you even listening to me?????"

(M/n): "I am.....Just chose ignore it....."

Kinene: "When did you ever think of getting smart with me?????? Is it those friends you have????? Sakamoto? And Uh what's that new kids name????"

(M/n): "Akira?"

Kinene: "Yeah him......Either one of them must be manipulating you.....You should be more like your father!!!"

(M/n): "Why??? So that way people can only think of me and not him?????"

Kinene: "That's not what I meant!"

(M/n): "Well it sure sounded like it......"

Now she was getting very mad, almost steaming, more of a parent at finding the kid's report card and seeing their bad grades. Something that's temporary and can be fixed. Or at least something that SHE can fix and not me.

Kinene: "We will talk about this tomorrow...."

(M/n): "What about dinner?"

Kinene: ".......Just....Find yourself something for right now......"

(M/n): "Ok......."

      Now a bit of guilt was starting to cross the back of my mind.....Despite my almost neutral to negative thoughts of her....I still had an admiration for Kinene. Knowing of how my parents died....And that....She was left with me....Having very little to no experience raising a child since she was only friends with my mother through high school and college.
      Which made the decision a lot more easy to make....

(M/n): "Kinene......I'm gonna save you this time....."


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