Ch. 9 Something Wicked This Way Comes...

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(M/n) POV

      My mind wasn't able to stay focused to anything that was going on in the class right now. I just kept blanking off thinking about Kinene's palace. And how I would approach trying to stop her, and maybe bring her back to the real world. But my teacher noticed me not paying attention, so she basically told me to keep my head up more.

(M/n): "Sorry......I'll do better next time....."

      She just ignored what I said and continued teaching to the rest of the class as though nothing had happened.

(M/n) (Mind): "Kinene............"

      It still lingered in my mind.......And it was about to eat away at me a bit too.....But I got through the rest of the day as normal despite the looming idea in the back of my head. Once I got out of school, I spotted Ryuji and Akira in the alleyway. They looked like they were gonna go back into Kamoshida's palace. However, for me....I was mostly considering going back and entering into Kinene's palace. So I just stuck with my guns and let the two be for now, even though I swore I could see Akira looking at me walk back home.
Once I got back home, I saw Kinene.....A bit annoyed....On the couch........She had those angry eyes, wasn't letting them go off me for a second. She was simultaneously mad and disappointed at me, which for me felt like both a first and a last.

Kinene: ".......How was school today?"

(M/n): "It went fine....I learned of how to Differentiate a Cosine."

Kinene: ".......I meant......How was it outside of school...."

(M/n): "Also fine.....I just chatted with my friends a bit...."

Kinene: "Friends? The ones that might be troubling?"

(M/n): "Kinene....They're not that bad I promise..."

Kinene: "Perhaps they are......And yet I have heard that that Akira is one terrible kid with a criminal record...."

(M/n): "Kinene.....He isn't that bad of a guy.....Believe me....."

Kinene: "And then Ryuji kid is kind of known as a delinquent isn't he?????"

(M/n): "Ryuji.....Is Ryuji but he has his own way of thinking and plus....I've known him for a few years so him suddenly becoming a delinquent is not something I expect from him!"

Kinene: "But he can change into one! It's not out of the question of if he can't, it's if he can!"

(M/n): "What are you even saying? What are you becoming? Mom and Dad would not like what you have b-."

Kinene: "Don't you DARE bring up Solomon and Corissa ever again!!!! I'm doing this because you are one of the last things I have in this world to love and yet here you are trying to rebel......"

(M/n): "I'm not trying to rebel I'm trying to understand what happened to you! You've changed! What has happened to you????"

Kinene: "It's called being a person (M/n)!!!! I'm just trying to fulfill what Solomon and Corissa left behind, I'm doing this in honor of them!"

(M/n): "Yet now you are trying to separate me from my new friends???? Am I not allowed to meet with people I share some similarities with????"

Kinene: "You know what....I've had enough.....In one week.....IN ONE WEEK!!!! We're leaving....."

That little pause after said leaving just left me speechless. Then I responded in confusion,

(M/n): "I'm sorry...What?"

Kinene: "In one week......You and I......Are leaving.....I don't care what your friends think...I don't care if you think this is a bad idea....In one week.....We're moving...So you better get your shit packed!!!!"

Now furious and now not talking to me, Kinene bolts back to my room just having me sit in the middle of the room, just thinking.

(M/n): "Kinene......"


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