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➵➵➵➵➵➵➵❂➵➵➵➵➵➵➵Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

    I stood in front of the destroyed opening of my home. There was a huge boulder in front of it. I went around to be on the side of it. I pressed my hand up against the boulder and began to push with all my might, it wouldn't budge. I let out a loud groan as I pushed harder. My arms burned slightly as I kept trying. I felt the boulder shift slightly making me push harder against it. I let out a loud cry as I used all of my energy into that one push. The boulder finally moved it off the pile of rubble below it. The boulder rolled slightly then stopped completely. I bend down placing my hands on my knees letting out pants trying to catch my breath. I stood back up then entered the destroyed tunnel. The tunnel was dark. I had to be careful stepping over the spread out rubble on the ground. I finally made it to the end of the tunnel, the entrance to my home.

    The tree stood in the same spot it was planted. The light healthy bark was now a dark blackish color. The huge limbs that used to be outstretched across the ceiling were now on the ground slowly rotting away. I took a deep breath in and out then stepped into the place. As I walked through I saw the burned homes and people, people I knew. Their bodies were curled up in a ball or others were laying limp rotting away. I looked away and just kept walking. I could hear the silent screams in my head, like a broken record. I stopped in front of a specific body with something laying beside it. The body was my father's. The one good thing about blurry vision was that I couldn't make out his rotting body all too well, but the smell was all too strong for me to ignore. I stopped myself choking as I kneel beside his body. I picked up the glowing green bow that was laying beside him.

    This bow is elerdrly, it has been passed down for many generations. Even if it's old it still looks good as new.

    "When can I use your bow", I asked my father who was sitting on a log watching everyone doing their regular routine. Either making clothes, tending to the fields, cooking food and etc.

    "When I die", he answered. "You're never going to die don't say that", I fussed making him smile. "Death isn't the end, it's nothing to be sad about", he said. "Yes it is, I won't ever see you again", I retorted. "No you may never see me again, but I will always be part of you", he stated placing his hand on my shoulder. "You will always remember me as I will always remember you, we may never speak to each other again when I pass, but you will always remember the times we have shared together and that is the greatest gift life gives us", he explained. "So don't be sad forever when I pass, but be joyful that we created memories together that we will always keep dear to our mind and soul", he added. "Do you understand me", he asked making me nod my head. "

    "So when you pass I'll get the bow", I asked. "Yes you will and you'll use it to protect those dear to you", he answered. "Grandma told me if I had siblings we would have to fight for it", I said. "Mom is right, but you do not have any siblings", he stated. "Hm okay then", I said looking back forward. "...If you ever take my bow, remember it's name don't treat it as some common weapon", my father said. "What is its name", I asked. "It's name is..

    "..Antorāzu", I mumbled gripping the bow. The bow gave off a green glow for a quick second then went back to the dull forest green. My tears rolled down my cheeks then splashed against the bow and the ground beneath me. I looked over at my father's corpse. I closed my eyes and pushed his body over until he was laying on his back. I slid his decaying arm from the strap of the quiver then stood up. I placed it on my back. I heard the quiver make a mechanical noise making me glance back. Glowing arrows began to form in the quiver. I wasn't this was a special quiver.

    My father told me a story about it. A couple of years ago, one of my great grandfathers, Belen, was a peasant man. People treated him horridly because of his frail body and blind eyes. The village he lived in was overrun with some big time bandits, everyone even the king himself feared them. The bandit leader, Oswald was a ruthless man. Everyday he would force one of the townspeople to fight him. They both would stand across one another and aim their bow at each other. The townspeople of course never knew how to hold a bow or aim correctly so they would always result in getting injured or killed. Oswald happened to choose his sick mother as a target. Belen begged him to choose him instead, but Oswald looked at him and said

    "You're already dead to me". The next day his mother was slain, shot right in the heart. Belen filled with grief wandered into the forest hoping a wild animal came by and killed him, but instead he ran into a huge white stag. His antlers stretched across far and wide showing he was the king of the forest. The Great Stag gifted him with the bow and quiver. Belen went to refuse it, saying he would rather die within the forest then back in his village. "Would you rather die by getting slain by a common animal or die knowing you killed the man who killed your mother". Belen gripped the bow in his hand. "Why me, I can't see", Belen asked. "Because you have suffered, but still remain good", the stag answered. "Sight isn't required with shooting...use your instincts", the stag added. "What is its name", Belen asked. "Antorāzu", the stag answered then left. Belen knew he would die, he wanted to. So he headed back to his village and challenged Oswald. Oswald laughed at him of course, but he agreed to the challenge.

    The two stood across one another with their bows raised in the air. Belen stayed calm throughout the whole ordeal. His eyes were open even if he couldn't see. Oswald shot the arrow first; it landed right into his shoulder, but Belen did not stagger. Belen used the arrow made in the quiver. The flamed arrow did not burn his hand at all. He pulled the string firing the arrow, it landed right into Oswald's eye. The arrow burned in his skull killing him instantly. Of course the other bandit's attacked. It was like Belen could hear what move they were going to make next. Belen killed at least 100 Bandits single handedly and without moving from his spot.

    I turned around and left my destroyed home. As I was walking back I kind of got lost I think. I forgot which path to take. I think it was on the left. As I was about to walk down I felt a weird chill go up my spin. I turned right walking down the path. I could be going into the wrong direction, but I couldn't ignore that feeling. As I was about to walk path a walkway I heard the sound of fighting. I backed up against the wall then peaked over the corner. I saw a woman with a mechanical arm holding up a person by their chin, it was Vi. The woman raised her mechanical arm about to kill her.

    I grabbed an arrow from my back and placed it into my bow. I didn't bother aiming anywhere specific. I released the arrow, it shot at something on her shoulder spilling some kind of liquid. The woman looked at her arm then back at me. She threw Vi aside like a ragdoll and began to charge at me. I grabbed another bow shooting it at her while walking forward. She dodged it with ease, which I wanted her to. While she dodged it I fired another one and it latched itself into her stomach. She scream in pain falling to her knees. The green flames began to spread throughout her body slowly like a plague. She forced herself to stand up and rushed down into an alleyway. I didn't bother chasing after her. I made a beeline straight for Vi who was sitting on her knees clutching her stomach.

    "I leave for one second", I fussed squatting holding my bow. Vi smirked up at me while shaking her head. "You really know how to shoot", she groaned. "You gonna help me up, angel", she asked holding her hand up. I grabbed her hand pulling her up. I wrapped her arm around my shoulder to help her walk.

    "Why did you ditch me", Caitlyn fussed running from the corner. Her angered expression then turned to worry."What happened", she then asked. "Vi got attacked we need to go", I answered. Caitlyn went around onto Vi's other side and placed her arm around her shoulders. We began looking for a place we could lay low from Silico's goons.

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