An Abnormal Imp (Backstory)

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Imp City-Pride Ring 17 years ago

We see two small Imps sitting on a couch in an apartment of Imp City enjoying the afternoon as they usually do. Then the male Imp decides to sing to his wife.

Female Imp: Hey Moxxie how much longer do you think till our little Devil finally arrives?

Moxxie begins to rub the female Imp's belly.

Moxxie: I don't know Millie, but I'd say he's gonna be arriving soon and I know he's going to be just as strong as his mother.

Millie: And smart as his father too.

Moxxie removes his hand with his smile disappearing.

Moxxie: Hey Millie.

Millie: Yeah Mox, what is it?

Moxxie: It's just do you think I'm gonna be a good father? Now that our son's close to arriving I'm getting more and more concerned and worried. Like, what if you get hurt before you have him or what if something happens in the hospital and I get left all alone or what if everything goes well but I end up sucking as a father or-

Millie: Mox!

Moxxie: Huh um yes Millie.

Millie: Look Mox I know your scared, I am too but I know you'll be a great father and our son will look up to you.

Moxxie: Thanks Millie and I'm sure you'll be a great mother too.

1 month time skip

Millie: Mox I-I think the baby's ready!

Moxxie: Oh crumbs! Quick Millie get to car I'll get you to the hospital!

Moxxie tries to get his wife to the hospital in time but Millie can't hold on anymore and Moxxie is forced to pull over.

Moxxie: Oh satan, Millie just hold on. PLEASE ANYONE HELP MY WIFE IS IN LABOR!

Moxxie tries to help his wife anyway he can but the two of them are approached by a tall lanky Imp.

???: Hey need help!

Moxxie: Oh yes please my wife is having a baby and I don't know what to do.

???: Ok, I'll help you but you have to help me do this.

Moxxie: Ok what do I do.

???: Just hold your wife's hand and I'll handle the rest.

Timeskip cause I'm not writing what happens

???: And there you go a handsome baby boy though he seems to have a rare and special mutation.

Moxxie: what's that?

???: It's when an Imp visits multiple rings while they are still developing causing them to gain the characteristics of those rings combined and it seems your son got all the good with non of the bad.

Moxxie: So that's a good thing mr-

Blitzø: Blitzø the O is silent and yes that's a very good thing, your son could be very powerful and influential.

Moxxie: Really and what O.

Blitzø: Exactly.

Moxxie: Well anyways thank you so much is there anyway I can repay you.

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