An Imp and an Owl's Birthday

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Y/N: Ugh I'm up, I'm up. Why did I get that alarm?

Y/N gets up and gets dressed in his usual outfit then goes to the kitchen of his parents apartment and goes to make breakfast for himself and his parents but sees his mother and father already awake and making breakfast.

Y/N: Oh, good morning mom and dad why are you two up so early?

Millie: Don't tell me you already forgot what today is sweetie.

Y/N: Dad what is mom talking about?

Moxxie: So you really did forget, seems your working even harder than me.

Y/N: What, what did I forget?!

Moxxie/Millie: Today's your 18th birthday Y/N and the 4th anniversary of you joining I.M.P for your uncle.

Y/N: Oh... Oh shit! I completely forgot and that means today is Octavia's birthday too shit, shit, shit, FUCK!

Millie: Its ok sweetie calm down you'll be fine. Sit down I made your favorite breakfast (F/B) so eat up then we'll take you to get something for your "girlfriend".

Y/N: Mom she's not my girlfriend, she's my childhood friend and anyways for where to go to get her something, Oh let's go to Stylish Occult and get her something, she loves that place and all the stuff from there.

Moxxie: Y/N I just finished eating so I'll go warm up the car so it's ready for you and your mother.

Y/N: Got it thanks dad.

Millie: Ok sweetie I finished making everything so let's eat while your father gets the car ready.

Y/N: Ok mom it's been so long since I've had your cooking my tastebuds are practically yelling in anticipation.

Millie: Oh Y/N your too nice in a place like hell but that's what makes you my special baby boy.

Y/N: Mom I'm not a baby anymore and I haven't been one for a while, not to mention I'm over 2 feet taller than you.

Millie: that changes nothing your still my baby and always will be.

The two Imps finished eating breakfast while Y/N smiled thinking about his mother's words and the horrible things he'd do to anyone who hurt her or his father.

Small timeskip

Moxxie: Ok we're here go ahead and find something for Octavia.

Y/N: Got it, thanks dad I'll try to be quick.

Y/N entered into the store and was greeted by a female goth looking Imp. Y/N started looking around for something for Octavia but finally decided on 3 cute looking owl figures.

 Y/N started looking around for something for Octavia but finally decided on 3 cute looking owl figures

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(Sorry couldn't find Stella in this version so just pretend there's one in the picture)

Y/N: Yes these are perfect and kinda funny how they look like Octavia and Stolas, hey there's even a Stella one, I'll get that for her too.

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