A Proposal You Can't Ignore

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Y/N is driving through Imp City scouting the whole place and where it's overlords were while listening to some music. He had recently grown the ambition to try and become an overlord soon, hell maybe even to overlord of the whole city.

*Ring ring ring*

Y/N: Ah I love that ringtone, hello.

Verosika: Hey Y/N are you doing anything right now?

Y/N: No not really, why?

Verosika: Ok well I need you over here at the office now we have a visitor who wants to talk to me and you, she said it's important.

Y/N: And might I know who this lady is?

Verosika: I think it's better for you to come here and see for yourself but I'll tell you this she's very high up in hell's hierarchy.

Y/N: Hmm interesting, I'll be there in five minutes but I wonder what such a high up demoness might want with us.

Verosika: No clue but I'll see you when you get here.

Y/N: Yup see ya soon Verosika.

Y/N hangs up and drives his truck as fast as it'll go across the city but thinks to himself.

Y/N: Who is this lady and why does she want to talk to me and Verosika? Welp I guess I'll find out when I get there.

At the building on Verosika's floor

Y/N: Ok I'm here and I made it in 4 minutes by running some lights.

???: I'll assume you're Y/N, Verosika's new co-singer.

Y/N: Yes I am and you a- AAAAH CLOWN!

???: What is there a problem with me being a clown demon?

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???: What is there a problem with me being a clown demon?

Y/N: Kinda I have a slight fear of clowns after some bad experiences with the roboclown at Loo Loo Land named Fizzarolli. Damn thing was nightmare fuel since it wasn't properly maintained.

???: Oh you must be talking about one of my male robot copies that Mamon bought from us. He's really cheap with most things and he won't spend money unless he absolutely has too with no other choice.

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