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{The episode begins with a giant stadium at the center of the Greed Ring where thousands of spectators are watching the stage at the front. Spotlights shine everywhere before green flames sprout at the stands.}

ANNOUNCER: Alright, folks! Give it up for the king of all things greeeen! Hell's number one clown! The money-maker himself!

{A giant sign pops up from the stands and makes a spinning slot motion like a slot machine before it stops to a jackpot, revealing the name of the sign: Mammon. The scene switches to the spectators all cheering on for the one demon to appear on stage. One of the spectators is the younger teenage Blitzo and Fizzarolli before the fire accident. The two were screaming and making applause for the most popular figure in Greed.}

ANNOUNCER: The sin you all looove most: Mammon, King of Greeeed!

{In a rockstar entrance scene, Mammon slides on stage with a guitar pops up on stage with green fires and confetti bursting from behind him, wearing sunglasses.}

Mammon: Heya, implings! How're you little [HONK] doing tonight? I hope you're ready for the best fucking show you will ever see in your {explosion occur on scene before his face gets a close-up} shit lives!

{Like everyone else, Blitzo and Fizzarolli are having the time of their lives, screaming their lungs out}

Everyone: Mammon, Mammon, Mammon!

Mammon: Right. I got tons of really fuckin' cool (spins his guitar) shit for you 'ere tonight, but first, how many of you worthless bitches wanna be big clowns like me someday?

{Although Mammon could not hear Blitzo and Fizzarolli, they were raising their hands up to get picked by the demon prince himself.}

Fizzarolli: I do, I do!

Blitzo: Me, me, me, me, me!

Mammon: Well, I'm happy to announce that I will be starting up a new, yearly clown pageant!

{Just as he was making the announcement, the camera scene pans out to reveal a giant sign behind Mammon that saids, "Mammon's Super Fucking Rad as Shit Clown Pageant" before more explosions bombed on stage with fireworks and confetti.


{The camera screenshot zooms in on Mammon up close.}

Mammon: You know- Like one 'a them fucked up beauty contests But for clowns, so it's better!

{The camera pans out again with the sign that said: It's Better before arrows point at the sign. More fireworks and confetti exploded on the scene. The scene switched back to Mammon again.}

Mammon: Just for all you aspiring, clown kids out there! {picks up a Imp demon child with glasses} A new chance to work with me, {The Imp child had googoo eyes looking at him before he hugs Mammon} Mammon!

{As he was explaining this, Blitzo finds it very uncomfortable just by thinking about it, making a look of uncertain disgust while Fizz was staring at Mammon with bright goo-goo eyes of admiration.}

Mammon: And be the new face of my clown-ish brand! {pulls the imp kid back like a rubber band before throwing him off-stage I can't wait to see all the new talent I can exploi {caught himself}- u-um- fuck. Wait, I mean enjoy [nervous laughter] uh, watching me grow my empire! Also, if you're a chick, maybe give up on your dreams now. Cause I'm not gonna lie: women just ain't funny but you can try to prove me wrong. (pauses) ANYWAY! My plan is to find the new face of my brand, YEAH! So they gotta bring the good shit! The winner will get to be like the son or daughter I never had, and I'll be like the stepdad that will love you when it's convenient!

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