S2/E6 Oops

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[The episode begins with a wideshot of Asmodeus' palace, in which we then see her bedroom. Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are sleeping together in the same bed. An alarm clock goes off, to which Fizzarolli wakes up and makes herself some coffee before waking Asmodeus with an airhorn.]

Fizzarolli: Rise and shine, Ozzie! Huehahahahaha!

Asmodeus: Ugh, again with the horn?

[She turns in bed, covering her head with a pillow.]

Fizzarolli: Don't blame me, blame how fuckin' fun they are!

[She blows the horn again.]

Fizzarolli: Mmkay, so; Today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of vvvibrators, then you gotta host a safety meeting because of what happened with the old shipment of vvvvvvibrators~. After that you have a meeting with Y/N to discuss placing a few clubs in Imp city... And then you have a nooner with Prince Stolas.

Asmodeus: Ahh, you scheduled me during lunch?

Fizzarolli: Welll, you're pretty good at squeezing things in. But I left time for a big ol' breakfast!

Asmodeus: Let me guess; I'm handling that too?

Fizzarolli: I mean... unless you want me to take a crack at cooking again.

Asmodeus: Hahahahahaha! No. Never again.

Fizzarolli: Whaaaat? Maybe I could burn the milk this time!

Fizzarolli reaches for Asmodeus' tits and squeezes them

Asmodeus: Stooopp...!~

Fizzarolli: OH! You know what I'm craving? Burgers!

Asmodeus: No! It's too early for burgers, you maniac!

Fizzarolli: Burger time! Burger time! Burger time!!!

[The two laugh together.]

[In the kitchen, Fizzarolli opens up a newspaper. An article reads- "Queen of Ozz- a HYPOCRITE?!" Fizzarolli stuffs the paper into a trash can, then proceeds to throw the entire can out of a window while Asmodeus hums, making breakfast. Asmodeus opens the door to the refrigerator, which lacks something.]

Fizzarolli: Yeah yeah, I know, I can pick up some more while I'm out today.

Asmodeus: About that. You're still going to that contest rehearsal... without me?

Fizzarolli: Welll... y- you have a packed day today.... and I know you arent big on the whole Mammon thing, soo....

Asmodeus: It's the Greed ring. One of the cities is literally called Ransom.

Fizzarolli: Ah, you worry too much, You know I ain't afraid of ropes. 'Sides, I'm slippery~.

Asmodeus: I mean... only after I...

Fizzarolli: What?

Asmodeus: What?

Fizzarolli: Come onnnn, Ozz. I can be on my own one day!

Asmodeus: But you haven't been to the Greed ring alone since becoming Mam's big brand figure.

Fizzarolli: Yeah, I guess, but it's not like I'm gonna stick around!

Asmodeus: I can get you an escort. I could ask Y/N to go with you.

Fizzarolli: Ah! I can handle it! Come on, Big Mommy. Pweeeaasee? [Fizzarolli pulls puppy eyes on Asmodeus.]

Asmodeus: Mmhahahaha! Well, you know I can't say no to a face that cute.

Fizzarolli: Mhm. That's why I use it.

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