City Cleanup and Nabbing a Doe

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Underneath Imp City in the last remaining underground mob den where hundreds of shark demons are gathered all armed to the teeth and seeming to be preparing a plan.

Shark 1: So here's the plan boys... we lure this city's new big man here, on horn street, we'll hit him with some poison gas to incapacitate him then bind him in holy ropes, just like the ones that got used on that Goetia fella.

Shark 2: Boss you sure this is gonna work, I mean he did take over the whole city in one day.

Shark 3: why you questioning the boss?

Shark 2: I'm not, just wondering.

Shark 4: fuck heads just shut it, boss is trying to speak.

Shark 1: Thank you, now as I was gonna say-

Another shark comes barreling into the room with sweat covering his face as he hyperventilates and tries to catch his breath

Shark 1: Woah Woah, catch your breath.

Shark 5: City *gasp* big guy *gasp* HERE!

Suddenly the entire underground area rumbles and shakes as the sound of a large explosion goes off and the distant screams of sharks demons can be heard.

Shark 1: Shit he found us!

Shark 2: Everyone run for your lives!

Shark 1: No stand your ground, take defensive positions!

Shark 3: You heard the boss, get to it!

Shark 1: We'll stand our ground and become the largest crime syndicate in the whole city!

Shark 4: We'll be in charge not him!

Shark 1: Quiet, everyone train your guns on the door and be ready!

The whole room full of hundreds of sharks goes silent filling them with fear and dread as gunfire and the screams of other shark demons outside the room gets closer, until the sounds coupled with the stench and sound of splattered blood being right outside the door, before going silent

Shark 1: hold...


The door is suddenly and violently kicked inward crushing 5 sharks as it goes flying off its hinges

Shark 1: FIRE!

All at once the sharks begin shooting at the figure standing in the doorway who begins walking forward while they grow in size sprouting multiple appendages such as an extra pair of arms, wings, and horns.

Shark 5: HE'S HERE!

Y/N: Yes I am fuckers!

Y/N walks out of the smoke with his Berret 50 cal in one hand, his shotgun in another, the revolver in the third, all of the guns have been upgraded to have angelic parts incorporated into them, and the forth hand is glowing with magic, all while the shark's bullets even the angelic and blessed ones harmlessly bounce off Y/N

Y/N: Haha that all you got?!

Y/N fires off rounds from all his guns blasting holes in sharks and taking their heads off with shotgun blasts as he uses magic to tear sharks in half as shadow demons run out of his shadow tackling sharks and mauling them one by one

Shark 4: Shit, retre-!

Lextor suddenly drops from the ceiling and decapitates him with his chain whip while shooting the sharks around him with his pistols

Lextor: Afraid not my friend.

Big shark 1: Get him!

Lextor: Alabastor!

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