Some Familiar Succubi

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It's 7 in the morning and Y/N is just now waking up.

Y/N: *Yawn* Well that was a good night.

Octavia: Yeah it was, where did you even learn that?

Y/N: A magician never reveals his secrets.

Octavia: Come on tell me... please.

Y/N: Nope you just get to experience it.

Octavia: Fine.

Mayberry: So it seems you two are finally awake.

Y/N: Good morning my sweetberry.

Mayberry: *Blushing* G-good morning too my strong stud.

Octavia: Hey where's my morning fluster.

Y/N: Oh don't you worry my little Starfire there will be plenty of flustering for you soon but first I gotta make us breakfast.

Mayberry: Actually I just finished doing that.

Y/N: Oh, Thank you, well then let's go eat and then I'll show you two what some more of my Lust ring powers can do.

Mayberry/Octavia: Oh my~/ I look forward to it~.

Some "Passionate fornication" and morning routines later.

Y/N: Welp I'm sure those two aren't walking for another hour or 2 (If you know what I mean). Now then off to work with uncle Blitzø, dad, and mom. ARI come here boy!

Ari: Caw!

Ari flies down from the window and lands on Y/N's shoulder, rubbing his face against Y/N's.

Y/N: Hahaha,who's a good bird, your a good bird.

Ari: Caw!

Y/N hops in his truck and drives to the office building but stops when he sees Vortex walking on the side of the street.

Y/N: Hey, Tex!

Vortex: Oh, hey Y/N!

Y/N: Ya need a ride to the office building?

Vortex: If you're offering I'm not gonna turn it down.

Y/N: We'll then get in, I'm on my way there now.

[At the office building/IMP headquarters]

Y/N: we're here and by the way do you know why Verosika is still here since she said she was gonna leave after 2 weeks and she's been here for 5 months since then.

Vortex: Honestly I don't know, it's not my business but if I had to guess I'd say it's cause she's taken quite a liking to you. Same with Kiki, they both seem slightly obsessed with you cause I always catch them trying to sneak down from the 3rd floor to see you.

Y/N: Oh great I've already got 2 girlfriends to manage and now I've got 2 SUCUBUS wanting me.
Jesus when my mom said I was a ladies man I thought she was kidding.

Author: Oh ho ho you've got way more than just 2 or 4 girls for you my friend.

Vortex: Well what did you expect with how many talents you have and how good looking you are. Hell if I was a female I'd probably want you. Right now you've got a Goetia and a sinner but it's looking like you may get 2 sucubus as well.

Y/N: Just what I need *Sigh* and don't say that it's creepy imagining you as a female.

Author: Hmm perhaps.

Y/N: Don't you fucking dare.

Author: Alright fine.

Vortex: Yeah kinda is but I gotta go up to the 3rd floor but I'll see you later.

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