S2/E4 Western Energy

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[The scene begins at the "Richest Cup Café, where the poor pour for you!", where Stella and Stolas are sipping tea, giving each other glares after her latest visit to Andrea and Andrealphus while, Andrealphus and Y/N, look on.]

Stella: Stolas.

Stolas: Stella.

Stella: Fucking cunt.

Stolas: Witch.

Y/N: What the fuck happened in the few days I was gone?!

Andrealphus: *facepalms* Aurgh!

Stella: *slams hands on table, gets up* FUCKISH. IMP. SUCKER!

Stolas: So says you going all sparkle eyes for Y/N. *sigh* Why did you insist on meeting me here?

[A tiny imp server pours tea for Stolas. Stolas looks at his phone that says: "Reminder: Deal @ Ozzie's set."]

Andrealphus: Ahem! We wanted to properly discuss the terms of this divorce. I feel my darling sister deserves a bit more...compensation. After all, you did CHEAT on the poor thing. Surely you owe...

Stolas: Andrealphus, cheating implies there was a betrayal. This woman never gave two shits about me or our very much arranged marriage. As far as I'm concerned, this divorce is far overdue.

Y/N: I thought you two settled this shit.

Stella: Oh about that dearie uhm...

Y/N: This is ridiculous, you took me away from my vacation for this shit. You always get like this after you visit him *points at Andrealphus* and Andrea.

Stella: Ehem well, you see-

Andrealphus: Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that, Imp.

Y/N: I'm the guy who's dating their daughter, and I'm also the guy who seized all your assets in Imp City to improve it after I kicked the shit out of your overlord there.

Andrealphus: And will you be reimbursing me for that?

Y/N: No, you're royalty after all don't you have an endless supply of money? Anyway I'm gonna head to the bathroom.

Y/N leaves for the bathroom as Andrealphus seethes in anger with Stolas laughing and Stella slightly embarrassed

Andrealphus: Why that little, I'll kill him! Who does he think he is?!

Stolas: Oh you look so upset Andre does that piss you off?

Stella: Well that's quite a way to talk to a royal.

[The imp server looks out to see Striker's horse is seen racing toward the glass window while Y/N is in the bathroom.]

Stella: Up yours! *flips Stolas the bird*

Andrealphus: *groans* Stellaaa, for fuck's sake, stop making this harder to bullshit!

[The window breaks, revealing Striker posing on a table. She twirls two angelic revolvers in her hands. She fires one and the bullet hits the window near Stolas' head. Andrealphus grins evilly at Stolas as he dodges more bullets. He flies out toward the exit. Striker wraps Stolas in glowing white rope before he can escape. Stolas falls to the ground in an alley, tied up.]

Stolas: Oh, dear...this is worrisome.

[The scene cuts to Blitzo driving the I.M.P. van, with Moxxie and Millie in the back and a fearful Loona next to Blitzo. Blitzo's phone lets out a bird ringtone.]

Blitzø: Oh, shit. Stolas! It's really not a good time, buddy...

Stolas: I'm sorry it's a bad time yet again, Blitzy. But, umm...I seem to have found myself in a bit of a sitch. I'm tied to the back of a horse at the moment.

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