Conquest of a City

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The scene begins with Hell's sun shining into a window but not just any window, Y/N's window from his new home that he has moved into.

Y/N: *Yawn then quietly* Good morning Imp City.

Y/N went to move but then realized his arms and legs were held down by a sleeping Octavia and Mayberry at his shoulders, while Verosika and Kiki were at his legs near Y/N's crotch.

Y/N: What did we do last night?

Loona then walks out from the bathroom.

Loona: I'm pretty sure none of us remember.

Y/N: Well one thing I know for sure is that my hips hurt.

Loona: Haha I think I know why.

Y/N: Well then, I guess we should make them breakfast. Oh, and make sure they don't leave today.

Loona: Ok but why?

Y/N: Well let's just say that the population of Imp City might go down a bit and the overlords may go down to 1, permanently.

Timeskip to Y/N's new tower previously belonging to Vektor.

Y/N: *broadcasting to all of Imp City* Attention Overlords of Imp City and their soldiers. Today it the day that your rein ends and my complete control begins, however I'm not completely merciless I will give you one chance now to surrender and return to your normal lives, you can even come under my employment.

The Overlords all have different reactions ranging from laughing it off and ignoring Y/N to ones that knew what he did to Vektor and were genuinely concerned.

Y/N: You all have an hour to tell me of your surrender or I'll just remove you from existence.

Y/N shuts off the magic broadcast then gets a call from his parents.

Y/N: Hello mom and dad, how's your day going?

Moxxie: It's fine son, but did we just see you broadcast that you were gonna take over all of Imp City!

Y/N: Yes there is far too many overlords and too much infighting because of it, so I'm gonna launch one final quick war to reduce it to only me controlling Imp City.

Millie: *behind Moxxie* Wohooo, go Y/N my little devil knock 'em out! But be back for dinner.

Moxxie: Honey, not helping.

Y/N: Will do mom, by the time I'm back all of Imp City will belong to me.

Blitzø: Ok then champ see ya later.


Moxxie hangs up the phone while Y/N giggles.

Y/N: Oh Blitzø, I swear one day you're gonna give my dad a heart attack.

Suddenly a small magical portal appears in front of Y/N revealing all of his girlfriends.

Octavia: What are you doing Y/N?

Loona: Why didn't you bring me?

Mayberry: Stay safe.

Verosika: Why'd you leave so early?

Kiki: Thanks for breakfast but why didn't you bring us?

Y/N: Good morning to you too ladies, but to answer your questions, 1 I'm taking over Imp City, 2 I didn't want any of you to get hurt, and 3 I left early to keep you out of it and give myself more time.

Octavia: Well fine but be safe and if you come back hurt so help me not even Lucifer could stop me.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

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